Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.114: Approaching Shadows (4)

Incompatible Interspecies Wives

C.114: Approaching Shadows (4)

The next day I woke up early in the morning.

I was startled by the heavy weight on my body.

Looking closely, I saw Ner lying half on top of me, asleep.

Her tail was wrapped around my thigh, and her head rested on my chest.

Her fine, white hair was sprawled carelessly over my bare upper body.

She was also in an embrace, a gesture that seemed affectionate at a glance, yet somehow coincidental at the same time.

Looking around, I noticed our blanket had fallen to the floor.

Perhaps she hugged me tighter because it was cold.

But one thing was certain, she had changed a lot from before.

Unlike in the past, it was noticeable that she no longer felt tense by my side.

Originally, she wouldnt have come this close to me.


If it was like this in the past, I might have liked this.

But now, Arwins words faintly come to mind.

I was trying not to think about it, but it wasnt easy.

A destined partner.

I click my tongue lightly.

Then I gently stroked Ners hair.

Oblivious, she rubbed her cheek against me.

I carefully pushed her away, trying not to wake her.


But unexpectedly, she resisted, making it hard to detach her.

A smile escaped me as I gently pushed away the arms wrapped around me.

No matter how much I tried to free myself, she kept clinging to me.

I also loosened her tail wrapped around my thigh.

I always thought this, but her tail fur was very soft.

I wanted to stroke her all day long, but I couldnt as much as she disliked it.

Would there ever come a day when I could touch it to my hearts content?

It was hard to tell.

She said we should gradually progress in the future... but whether that was sincere, only time would tell.

Finally, after some struggle, I detach her white tail from me and get out of the bed.

I rolled my shoulders to loosen the tense muscles and checked Arwins World Tree leaf around my neck.

Then, looking at Ner, who was sound asleep, I picked up the blanket from the floor and covered her with it.

I stroked her again, looking peacefully beautiful in her sleep.

Lastly, after checking on her, I put on my top and stepped outside.


This time, both my wives and I took a rest at the inn.

The village, true to its dwarven nature, had many intricately made things, which were quite satisfying.

Our room was on the second floor.

Going down the stairs, I run into the members.

Vice-captain, did you sleep well?

I nodded my head.

Baran then asked, Where did you put your sword?


Distracted by thoughts of Ner, I had forgotten my sword.

I turned lightly and headed back to the room.

And then, I carefully opened the door, taking care not to wake Ner.



At that moment, a loud noise came from inside, followed by something moving hastily.

...In truth, the only one who could move that quickly was Ner.

I stepped into the room and quietly observed Ner.

Her position had slightly changed from before.



I scratched my ear as I walked towards my sword, without taking my eyes off Ner.

...Were you awake?

I asked, but Ner didnt respond.

She seemed to be soundly asleep, snoring softly.

I fastened my sword to my waist and approached Ner.


No response from her, even when I called her name.

Was it my imagination?

I tilted my head towards her again.

Ner was deep in sleep, breathing steadily.

There really was no need to check if she was awake.

But if she had been...the way she had clung to me earlier would have felt quite different.

Also, I wanted to greet her and discuss the mission before leaving.


I gently blew into her perked ears.

Ner twitched and shivered.

Then, she sleepily opened her eyes and murmured in a daze.


She squinted against the bright sunlight pouring in.

I felt a twinge of guilt at her reaction. She really was asleep.

...Sorry. I woke you up.

...Complaining about waking me after blowing in my ear, whats that about...

She giggled as she spoke.

I stroked her hair.

Go back to sleep. Ill be back soon.

Ah, Berg.

At that, she rubbed her eyes and got up.


...You need to receive the energy before going.


Hearing that, I took off my top again.

She, who had been sitting on the bed continuously, spoke.

Sit down. Show me your back.

I sat beside her.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the impending spell.


Then, Ners body leaned onto mine.

She entrusted her entire body to me as if climbing on my back.

A soft sensation heavily pressed against my back.

Im sleepy... Ill do it like this, she murmured.

Soon, she hugged my neck and began to whisper something into my ear.

A strange shiver ran down my spine.

It wasnt an unpleasant kind of shiver.

A familiar orange light escaped from Ners body and entered mine.

Now I realized, it almost felt like becoming one.

No wonder it was said to be a spell only performed between spouses.

Gradually, Ners chanting subsided, and the orange light extracting from her body began to diminish.

Ner, sweating, took slow, deep breaths to calm herself.

...Is it over? I asked Ner.


But instead of answering, Ner gently nibbled on my ear.

Startled, I flinched, and so did she, releasing my ear.

Ah, so, sorry. I did it unconsciously in my sleep...

I looked at the startled Ner, feeling an odd impulse.

Perhaps I felt proud of her for trying so hard for me, or maybe it was my own desire to get closer to her.



I gently pulled Ners head closer by the distance and pressed my lips against her cheek.



Ner, startled by the sensation, quickly pushed me away.

With her hands covering the cheek my lips had touched, she opened her eyes wide.

Uh...? What...?

Thank you.

I said, but Ner blinked for a long while.

Then, her face flushing red, she lowered her head and spoke.

Do, dont do this all of a sudden...!

You bit my ear too.

That, that was...

She spoke, biting her lip.

Still, dont. It surprised me. I...I told you this kind of thing needs time...

Her mild rejection brought a sense of disappointment.

It was like a return to reality, acknowledging her subtle discomfort.

It felt like a reminder of the still distant emotional gap between us.

I stood up.

Then, I stroked her hair for the last time.

Ill be back.


Ner nodded her head.

And so, I moved on.


Ner held her startled heart.

She was unsure how to react to Bergs sudden display of affection.

Until now, she had thought he would patiently wait for her.

She hadnt expected him to come this close so soon.

Her heart was still pounding from the shock. It was an overwhelming happiness, almost to the point of fear.

No matter how good something was, there should still be steps to follow.

She had just done so.

...Haa... Haa...

She was buried in the blanket, her face pressed into the pillow.

Moreover, she didnt want to admit to herself that she had fallen for Berg.

Her feelings were fickle, changing from one moment to the next.

Having loved only one person all her life, she didnt want to be vulnerable because of these emotions.

Additionally, she was somewhat embarrassed to have fallen in love so quickly.

She was unsure how the human race would view it, fearing they might see her as frivolous.

Yet, maybe because the object of her affection was a human, burning with passion, her feelings for him seemed to have caught fire too.

And like a fierce flame, she feared that his feelings for her might cool off just as quickly.

It was a petty pride, not wanting to be seen as someone trivial.


At the memory of the kiss, Ners heart constricted.

-Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

She, lying face down on the bed, kicked her legs, flailing at the bedspread.

It was hard to keep still.

Even though a silly smile appeared, her heart ached.

This paradoxical feeling was too pleasant.

Her tail had been flailing under the blanket since earlier.

She exerted so much energy that the base of her tail started to hurt.


She finally managed to calm down that happiness.

And when her mind settled, she slightly regretted her earlier behavior.

Maybe Berg was hurt by it.

...But he was also at fault.

How could he approach her so suddenly and make her heart nearly burst?


Of course, all these were excuses.

She knew she had reacted poorly, lacking the courage to reveal her true feelings.

...Yet, it would be okay.

She could make up for all of this later.

It came to her mind again that they had gotten married.

He was meant to be her partner for life.

An unbelievable reality.

But at the same time, it was true.

There was plenty of time ahead of them.


I went out to the clearing where the members were gathered.

Some kids and early-rising adults watched us curiously.

Arwin approached and took a spot beside me.

Before the final plan was explained, we lightened the mood with casual conversation.

Berg, I heard something.

Arwin joined in the conversation.

...They say if this mission is successfully completed... there will be a festival. Therell be a lot of alcohol too.


Yes. Maybe because its a place where weapons are made. It doesnt seem as poor as other villages.

I nodded in agreement.

After all, both mercenaries and dwarves making weapons profit from war alike.

So, by the way... would you like to join me for the festival?

Lets do it.

I accepted her proposal without much hesitation.


Yes, lets do it.

After all, I was here to take a break with my wives.

Creating new memories seemed like a joyful idea.

...And it was an opportunity to get closer.

At that moment, Gale walked up from a distance.

He raised his hand in greeting.


I blinked and acknowledged his greeting.

Was it because of what happened yesterday?

Or maybe because of the comfort he offered?

I couldnt be as hostile towards him as before.

Partly because I knew it was also my issue.

When my sensitive spots were poked, the foul traits I learned in the slum as a defense mechanism surfaced.

Of course, this didnt mean I completely forgave him.

I still didnt want to understand his talk about gods and fate.

To me, who had never prayed in my life, suddenly being told I was a warrior of god was unbelievable.

I was not swayed by talk of a predetermined fate and using that power to protect unrelated people.

...Yet, at the same time, I was more open to having conversations than before.

I wanted to believe that he came to help me.

If I accepted his help... perhaps, just as he said, I could gain the strength to protect those around me.

Adam Hyung and Gale had a connection from the beginning.

If Adam Hyung trusts him, then I could follow Gale just like Hyung did.

Gale, dressed more casually than usual, approached and spoke.

You are heading to the mine today, right? To resolve the mission.

I nodded.

Arwin looked up at me from my side.

Ill come along too. Is that... would that be okay?

Gale, changing his words, spoke cautiously.

Arwin, taking my hand, spoke.

Her actions had become so familiar to me.

Berg. Accept it. Gale will be a great help.

Arwin offering advice for my sake.


Without turning my head, I looked at Gale as Arwin placed her hand on my cheek.

She pulled my face towards her.

Berg. Trust me-


I said.

Arwin seemed more surprised by the decision than I was.


I repeated.

...Okay. Lets do that.

I looked up at Gale again.

He smiled faintly and nodded.


Felix, who had retreated, was pouring out his anger.

He grabbed the collar of Dricus, the eldest son of the late Lord Jacksons second wife.

Why did you hesitate back there! I clearly ordered you to push back the monsters!!

The hero party had taken on the role of a decoy, engaging the boss monsters.

The plan was for the remaining forces to deal with the swelled ranks of the monsters during this time.

However, while the hero party selflessly acted as bait, Dricus displayed a passive attitude... resulting in the sacrifice of numerous soldiers who followed the hero party.

Dricus raised his arms as if to protest his innocence.

How could I possibly enter that place...! With so many monsters...!

This... damn...!

Felix clenched his teeth, his fists shaking as they gripped Dricus collar.

The saintess understood why he was so furious.

He wasnt just blaming Dricus for being cowardly.

Felix was reacting this way because he sensed Dricus filthy intentions even in this war.

The hero party continued the fight alongside the troops of Prin, the first in line for succession.

The role of the decoy was also shared with Prins soldiers.

However, due to Dricus passive attitude and the resulting delays, many of Prins soldiers met their deaths... Felix naturally sensed malice in these actions.

A suspicion that could never be proven with evidence.

But the circumstantial evidence was more than convincing.


The hero forcefully pushed Dricus, throwing him to the ground.

Is your selfishness really that important, more so than the lives of countless others?

What are you saying...!

The saintess closed her eyes, lamenting the sight of Dricus, blinded by immediate power, selling the future.

His foolishness was beyond her understanding.

Yet, on this journey, she had seen even more foolish beings.

Especially those with much to lose were often more so.

The stubborn dragonians.

The tradition-bound Elves.

The reckless werewolf.

The lustful and greedy Humans... and so on.

In times like these, she yearned for one being in particular.

The one who was willing to sacrifice everything, even in their moments of hardship.

She realized again how miraculous this being was to her.

A man who was willing to share whatever he had... ready to sacrifice himself for others.


Sylphrien stepped in front of the enraged Felix.

She began to mediate.

Enough. We dont have time for more quarreling here.

Sylphrien was right.

This retreat was only temporary.

The war was still raging.

Like a beehive that had been stirred, the attacked monsters began to rampage.

One might be able to start a war at a desired moment, but that didnt mean it could be ended at will.

...Felix. Ill talk to Dricus. Go cool off your emotions for now.


Felix, clenching his fists and grimacing, sighed and turned away.

He left the situation to Sylphrien and walked off.

Acran and the saintess followed the agitated Felix.




If it werent for this place...

Felix muttered, trying to suppress his anger.

The Jackson family controlled the supply route leading to the front lines of the battlefield.

Felix openly expressed that if not for the circumstances, he would have abandoned this group of Humans.


The battle-scarred Acran calmed down the agitated Felix.

The saintess reached out her hand, healing Acrans wounds.

...Just catch your breath. Theres no room for such intense emotions now. Ah, thank you... Saintess-nim. I am indebted to you again.

Felix took deep, ragged breaths.

Then he whispered.

...The Jackson family... will have to answer for this after the war.

He revealed his dragonian-like anger and temperament.

Acran didnt say anything in response.

He just nodded and patted Felix, maybe empathizing with him.

...In fact, the saintess shared the same thought.

She couldnt fathom how much pointless time was wasted because of them.

Even as fellow Humans, their actions were indefensible.

Soon, Sylphrien returned.

Her expression was stern as she spoke.

...Ive secured a promise of vigorous support for the next battle.

Felix continued his deep breaths and nodded at her words.

Heat poured out of his mouth, creating a shimmering mirage.

...We have to go back, Felix, Sylphrien said.

The war is in full swing.

The battle had been ongoing for an entire day.

Yet, there was no time for rest.

Felix nodded and got up.

Having calmed his anger to a manageable level, he spoke to his companions.

Controlling his emotions, he said, ...Sorry. Lets try a little harder.

Felix always faithfully took care of his comrades.

Everyone nodded in agreement at his words.




The saintess followed Sylphrien from the rear.

Sylphrien quietly chanted a spell from behind.

The saintess quietly observed her actions.

Soon, a red hawk appeared and perched near Sylphrien.

Sylphrien whispered something to the hawk.

The saintess questioned Sylphriens unfamiliar behavior.

What kind of request did you ask for?

Sylphrien gently kissed the hawk on its face.

With that kiss, the hawk soared high into the sky.

Turning around, Sylphrien spoke.

...I asked it to keep an eye on our situation.

The saintess watched the hawk ascend.

Sylphrien added to her explanation.

...And if we run into trouble... to immediately ask Gale for help.

The End of The Chapter

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