Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.125: Consultation (4)

Incompatible Interspecies Wives

C.125: Consultation (4)

Arwin was taken aback by the changes that had occurred within her.

She turned her head to gaze out the window, looking down upon Berg.

When had it become impossible to imagine a life without Berg?

She didnt know.

Arwin eventually shook her head, dismissing her thoughts.

Her heart was beating so furiously that she just wanted to catch her breath for now.

This did not mean she was postponing finding a solution to her worries.

...Slowly, she was coming to realize her feelings for Berg.

Yet, diverting the conversation like this was a sign of her reluctance to talk only about herself.

It had been a long time since she had met with Sylphrien.

Arwin was curious about her story too.

...Enough about that topic. Ill... think about it a bit more, she decided.

Sylphrien nodded understandingly.

Arwin sighed, lightening the mood, and then asked,

So, how about you? Have you been... okay all this time?

Sylphrien smiled.

Its always tough, you know. But thanks to kind colleagues, I managed to stay strong.

Theres talk that the war is about to end.

Weve killed four of the intelligent demons, and now only the Demon King and his right hand remain. It does seem like its nearing an end.

Thats good.

Sylphrien shrugged as if to say that was beside the point.

...But who knows what will happen if something like this occurs again. We survived this time thanks to the Red Flames... we must remain vigilant till the end.

You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woma...

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Arwin recalled a story she had heard once, prompted by Sylphriens words.

After a moment of deep thought, she asked hesitantly,

...Unnie. Its a bit of a delicate topic, but...


....Is it really okay with just the four warriors?


Sylphriens expression grew troubled at her words.

Can we win this war... even without the warrior of Lynn?

Arwin had heard that Lynns warrior had fallen.

Was it really okay to be one member short?

I keep worrying about you, Unnie...

Sylphrien looked at Arwin and said,

Lynns warrior must exist somewhere.


Arwin spoke again, cautiously, prompted by Sylphriens words.

But Lynns warrior is already...

Yes. It was truly painful back then. But... Sirikal might not have been Lynns warrior.

Sylphrien, revealing her collarbone, showed the mark of Nikal, the God of Harmony.

Lynn doesnt have a mark. Naturally, Lynns warrior wouldnt have such a mark either. In simple terms, it means we dont know who Lynns warrior is. Saying this now feels like a betrayal to Sirikal, but...

While Arwin looked puzzled, Sylphrien continued,

Anyway, Im hoping that Lynns warrior does exist. As you said, without Lynns warrior, we might not win this war.

Sylphrien showed a pained smile as she spoke.

We need Lynns warrior to kill the remaining demons...

What do you mean...?

Sylphrien continued to explain as she sipped her tea.

The story unraveled, one thread leading to another.

Hmm... How should I explain this. You know there were five intelligent demons, excluding the Demon King?

Arwin nodded.

As I mentioned earlier, four of them are dead. Only the Demon King and his right hand remain.


Right. But theres something else you need to know... All of our warriors were destined to kill one demon each.


And just like the prophecy, things are unfolding that way. Ive killed an intelligent demon, so has Felix. Acran too... and the saintess.

The saintess killed a demon?

The demon that faced the saintess melted away, unable to withstand her divinity.

Sylphrien let out a heavy sigh and continued.

So now, only one remains. Excluding the Demon King... its his right hand.


When Felix said he would kill the Demon King, the right hand has to be taken down by Lynns warrior. Thats why Gale is so desperate to find Lynns warrior.


Arwin froze, sensing something odd.

...Gale has been following Berg around...?

She muttered to herself.

Sylphrien responded to her murmuring.

You didnt know?


...I heard that Berg, a human mercenary, is also a candidate for Lynns warrior.

A wave of fear enveloped Arwin.

For a moment, her mind went blank, and she was unable to say anything.

Could it be that Berg must join the hero party?


It was an unasked question, but if this was the reason, she was not happy about Gale accompanying them.

Her own actions, convincing Berg, began to sting her heart.

Arwin shook her head in denial of this surreal story.

Already worried sick about him being a mercenary, she couldnt accept him joining the hero party.

....That cant be.

So, she began to deny the very fact.

Why would Berg be the warrior of solitude? Hes the vice-captain of the human mercenary group, isnt he? And he has two wives, doesnt he? Thats far from solitude.

She blurted out her words in panic, uncharacteristically.

Sylphrien watched her for a moment, then, as always, calmly explained.

Arwin. Do you know this?


The chosen warriors gain immense power... but they must pay a price for it.

Arwin didnt understand why Sylphrien was suddenly saying this but played along with her rhythm.

...For example?

Felix, chosen by the God of Courage, may seem brave... but in fact, hes very fearful. Hes always enduring the trial of overcoming that fear. Thats how he gains the strength to wield the holy sword.


Felix chosen by the God of Courage, superficially, seems far from courageous. Think about it... is the courage shown by a being who feels no fear really courage? Isnt the courage shown by someone who is fearful the true bravery?

...Then what about you?

Ill be honest, I want to run away from this conflict.

Sylphrien smiled.

Arwin could understand.

It was rare to find an elf who embraced death so closely.

No one willingly gave up their long lifespan.

Yet, I strive to maintain harmony in a place overflowing with conflict and strife. Thats why I can use more powerful magic.

Sylphrien maintained silence for a moment, then spoke as if making a resolution.

...The saintess too. Shes enduring her own trials. In fact, the saintess.. has a man in her heart.

Arwin leaned in, intrigued by this secretive revelation.



Sylphrien answered slowly.


...The saintess?

She has someone she wants to share love with... a man she loves with all her heart... but she remains chaste even from him. Im not sure how to put it... its like she doesnt want to be pure, but she maintains purity. From my perspective... that in itself seems like true purity. Like a fearful person finding courage.

Arwin exhaled sharply at this profound revelation.

Thats the saintess trial. Its through this she gained the power to heal.

Arwin was gradually grasping what Sylphrien meant.

She also felt a growing compassion for the saintess.

What must it feel like to be unable to be with the one you love?

Like herself, worrying over Bergs lifespan.

Sylphrien then said to her,

Perhaps the warrior of solitude is in a similar plight?

At these words, Arwins heart fluttered with unease.

...Maybe the person who most wants to be with comrades, endures the trial of being unable to be with them? Or perhaps they continually taste the pain of parting from loved ones.


The irony is that the warrior of solitude is believed not to have any special power bestowed, making it hard to identify who it is.

Arwin remembered how Berg frequently visited the graves of his comrades.

As connections started forming in her mind, she bit her lip.

She looked out the window again, down at Berg.

His robust shoulders seemed unusually slumped today.

Arwin shook her head.

....No, it cant be. Berg is...

Sylphrien added,

He may have two wives, but neither of you loves him, right?

Arwin spoke as if to defend herself.

....Ner says that... yes.

And you?

....I... maybe...

Arwin bit her lip firmly.

It felt like an answer was on the verge of forming, but it was hard to voice it out.

She couldnt share a story with others that Berg himself hadnt heard yet.

It was probably because of the uniqueness of the emotions themselves.

Admitting to a choice she might regret wasnt easy either.

She was just beginning to understand love.

Seeing Arwins expression, Sylphrien loosened the mood.

Of course, all of this is just speculation.

Arwin eagerly latched onto Sylphriens words.

It was the only way to ease her mind.

...Yeah. Berg isnt Lynns warrior.

She murmured, fearing he might be put in greater danger.

...He just cant be.


I gazed at Adam Hyung, who had appeared before me.

His horse was performing a fierce charge and dressage.

He sighed as he looked at my face and then leaped off his horse.

Approaching me silently, he casually placed a hand on the back of my neck and asked,

...Are you okay?

Normally, he would have bombarded me with nagging, but now he was asking me this.

Perhaps because I had told him about Sien, he seemed to be worrying about me for the moment.

I nodded briefly.

Hyung nodded back and was about to let go of my neck but then looked at me again and said,

...You dont look okay.

I chuckled at his words.

Finally, he smiled back at me.

We looked around us.

Only now were sighs of relief bursting out here and there.

The soldiers, tense until now, seemed to be realizing they had survived.

From the days of continuous battles to this moment.

It was a moment where losing hope couldnt be blamed.

I understood their relief.

Hyung, looking at them, then said to me,

Berg, you probably know... but the king has arrived.

I nodded.

...I dont think he will cause any major problems, but... lets be cautious.

Got it.

I responded to his words.


Just then, a loud and cheerful voice called out from the side.

It was Ner, realizing the situation had been resolved, rushing out of the mansion.

Her tail wagging, she approached me.

Then, she turned to Adam Hyung and greeted him first.

Captain, its been a while.

Miss Blackwood, it has been. I hope you are not inconvenienced in any way?

No, thanks to Berg.

As numerous people crowded into the square, Ner clutched my forearm.

Berg. Is it okay to wander around now? Everythings settled, right?

I nodded and smiled at Ner.

Just then, I felt a gaze at the side of my head.



Looking towards the direction of the gaze, I saw Sien watching me from a distance.

Her expression was like she was on the verge of bursting into tears.

As always, it was childlike.

Her lips quivered, firmly pressed together, and her fists were clenched tightly.

Her nose and eyes were reddening like blooming flowers.

It was an expression of immense frustration and anger.

...Yet, she didnt take her eyes off me.


-Thud thud thud thud thud...!

Amidst this, another group converged near the mansion, following the Red Flames.

Knights clad in splendid armor appeared, bearing the emblem of Hea.


Ner gripped my arm tightly at the sight of these paladins.

It seemed related to a previous incident where I had expressed anger towards them.

Be... Berg...

Despite me reassuring her it was okay, Ner clung tightly to my arm.

Ner pressed her body close to my arm, showing a hint of anxiety.

Normally, I would have smiled at Ners behavior, but I couldnt bring myself to smile like before.

I understood that the hero party had been in danger.

I knew they had come out of concern for Sien.

...But I also sensed there was a more urgent reason for their arrival.

The reason was likely the reunion between Sien and me.

It was the Hea Church that had come to see me a few months ago, to verify my presence.

The most splendidly dressed figure was panting as he entered the mansions front yard.

Wh, where is the saintess....!

I asked Adam Hyung about the man while looking at him.

Who is he?

...The Archbishop of the Hea Church.

Just then.

Who is the farmer!!!

Simultaneously with Hyungs answer, someone cried out in rage.

It was a voice filled with bone-chilling resentment, ending in sobs.


I clenched my teeth at the sound.

Naturally, a silence fell over the entire square.

Quiet murmurs began to arise here and there.

The saintess...?

Ive never seen her that angry.

Wait, is she... crying?

Ner, also startled, whispered to me worriedly.

...Why is the saintess...

The Archbishop, terror-stricken, wobbled off his horse.

Then his eyes scanned all the onlookers.

It was unclear whether he was concerned about his reputation or didnt want to expose the conflicts within the Hea Church.

The bishops gaze, after scanning the crowd, landed on Ners white tail, and then shifted to me.

It seemed he had figured out my identity through Ner.

The Archbishop then swallowed hard and knelt before Sien.

...Saint...saintess-nim...I will explain everything....


Sien was expressing a rage I had never seen before.

As if embodying the pain of being rejected by me.

As if showing me just how much she was hurting.

I dont want to hear it now. The fact that you lied to me doesnt change.

Even the soldiers, unaware of the context, realized the gravity of the situation.

Amidst this tense atmosphere, Sien turned to the paladins who had accompanied the Archbishop and commanded,


One of them, who appeared to be the Paladin Commander, responded.

Yes, saintess-nim.

Whose command do you follow? This man chosen by the Hea Church... or me, directly chosen by Hea-nim?


Restlessness stirred among the paladins.

...Answer quickly.

But Sien, seemingly impatient, urged them for a response.

At the same time, her gaze found me.

The childlike expression returned to her face, which had been hardened with anger.

She looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

That expression was speaking to me.

It said she would stop all this if I accepted her now.

That she wouldnt have to resort to such extremes.


But I didnt respond to her.

Only Ner was by my side, her arm linked with mine.

Uh... Huh...

Reacting to my silence, Sien buried her face in her hands.

...We follow the saintess.

The Paladin Commander responded after a brief silence.

Sien, with her face hidden, whispered.

She commanded,

Then this... this....

Struggling as if wringing out harsh words from her mind, Sien finally said,

...Lock this liar up in the prison.

The Paladin Commander hesitated for a moment before dismounting his horse first.

The other paladins followed his lead.

No! Saintess-nim! You, you cant do this!!

The Archbishop protested fiercely, but he was quickly subdued and started being dragged away by the paladins.


Adam Hyung muttered beside me.


...Is it my fault?

He asked.


It seemed the fact that he had arranged the marriage was weighing on him internally.

He had been showing me a sorry expression when I informed him about me and Sien.


I remained silent, shaking my head.

The End of The Chapter

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