Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.178: An Approaching Crisis (2)

Incompatible Interspecies Wives

C.178: An Approaching Crisis (2)

I headed to the office to meet Gale.

Several servants followed behind me.


I still wasn't accustomed to such treatment.

How much longer must I endure this before I become numb to it?

Taking a short breath, I spoke to the servants.

“Go take a rest. I'll manage on my own.”

It was widely known within our household that I was uncomfortable with the servants' accompaniment.

I had made it quite obvious over time.

Perhaps because of that, the servants bowed silently and stepped away from me.

Only Desmond, the head butler, continued to follow me.

Soon, I arrived in front of the office.

-Knock, knock, knock.

“It’s Berg. I’m coming in.”

I opened the door and entered naturally, meeting Gale's gaze as he was looking over some documents.

His expression wasn't bright.

He didn't even look up at me, deeply engrossed in his work.

Then, he sighed and put down the documents.

With a face full of worry, he spoke to me.

“It's never-ending.”


“I expected this...but it's really pouring in every day. It's like a horde of war monsters.”

Gale was talking about the bandits.

Just as he said, bandits were springing up everywhere.

People who had lost their homes as a consequence of the war.

People whose land was too contaminated to farm.

People who had fallen out of mercenary life...and so on.

All choosing the path of becoming bandits.

The end of the war didn’t mean a paradise-like future was awaiting us.

The whole kingdom was still groaning under unhealed wounds.

As a result, the Red Flames group frequently roamed to exterminate bandit groups...but it was impossible to eradicate them all.

We had too many other tasks to focus solely on dealing with the bandits.

Gale spoke lightly.

“...We might as well bring the remaining mercenary groups under our command. At this rate, nothing will get done.”


“Just a thought.'s true that we are short-handed, Berg.”

It was something he had been saying habitually lately.

“...I understand.”

The situation was anything but bright.

Due to last year's poor harvest, this year's crop had to be a success.

Only then would we prevent people from starving.

But amidst all this, bandits were rampant.

The problems didn’t end there.

The plague that spread since last year showed no signs of abating.

Its influence was growing.

Many people had lost their lives to the plague and were continuing to do so.

Of course, there was a significant distance between the affected regions and Stockpin.

It wasn't very dangerous yet, but it was a concern.

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.

Additionally, reports of sightings of Krund were coming in from various places.

Despite the war being over, the mention of that name stirred emotions within me.

It was my lingering regret for not being able to let go of Adam Hyung.

...Maybe it was because I hadn't avenged him yet.

These complex issues were all intertwined.

I sighed and tried to offer some hopeful words.

“Still, this year’s harvest will be good. We’ve cleared all the fields and prepared thoroughly.”

Gale shook his head.

“I know that. But...can you be sure? We believe we’re ready, but that confidence might stem from ignorance. What do we, who only wield swords, know about this?”


“And who knows? The plague might reach us. If that happens, this year’s harvest will be severely impacted. No matter how well we’ve planned, it’s meaningless if everyone falls ill.” ƒree𝑤ebnσ

In the end, I had no choice but to remain silent in response to his persistent worries.

They were all questions I couldn’t answer.



In the silence that fell upon the office, Gale apologized.

“...I’m sorry, Berg. I’ve been spouting nothing but worries since you arrived.”

“It’s alright.”

“I must have been pondering too long. I’ve become sensitive. I keep trying to fix it, but it’s not going well.”


I looked at Gale, who was working hard for us.

It had almost been two years since I met him.

Compared to then, his wrinkles had deepened.

His gray hair was increasing.

He often said his body wasn't what it used to be.

It was the natural process of aging, but I couldn’t help but wonder if his efforts for us were accelerating it.

I felt both sorry and grateful.

Watching Gale as he took a breath, I smiled and called out towards the door.


A reply came from outside the door.


“Please bring two cups of tea.”

Desmond brought out tea for Gale and me without hesitation.

It wasn’t much, but it was my way of showing a little appreciation.

Gale seemed to understand that as well.

Smiling, he continued to sigh, as if trying to change his complex mood.

I spoke to him.

“Take a breather. If necessary, you should rest today.”

He shook his head.

“Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine. There's too much to do right now to take a break.”

Enjoying the aroma of the tea, Gale soon changed the subject.

It seemed he wanted to lighten the mood.

“By the way, why haven’t you had any news of a child yet? It’s been a year and a half since your wedding.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

I felt a slight embarrassment as a man.

I spoke as if blaming myself.

“We're trying...but it's not easy.”

Both Sien and I wanted to have a child. We were certainly putting in the effort, but the good news was not coming easily.

However, we weren’t in a hurry.

Our life together was happy enough.

As long as we continued to live harmoniously, good news would surely come in time.

Gale, giving me an awkward smile, responded to my answer.

“...Ah, I see. You’ve been trying.”

I chuckled at his reaction.

He seemed to forget that our race was known for having a high libido.

“...I am human, after all.”

“Weren’t you trying to change that perception?”

“I’d like to overturn false perceptions, but the truth...”

Gale also laughed at my response.

I was relieved to see him regaining a positive mood.

Gale then spoke to me.

“...Still, try a bit harder. I’d like to see a child of yours and the saintess...I mean, Sien. Both of you are my disciples.”

Raising an eyebrow, I replied.

“...I will try.”

Even with that answer, we smiled for a long time.


After finishing the morning tasks, I took the team outside in the afternoon.

There had been reports of bandits appearing somewhere on the outskirts of our jurisdiction.

I could have delegated everything to Baran and taken a break, but today, for some reason, I felt like running.

I wanted to forget my ongoing worries for a while.

I wanted to feel the wind with my team like in the old days.

I wanted to lay down the burden of countless lives depending on me.

We rode our horses at a moderate pace, engaging in conversations we hadn't had the chance to enjoy recently.

Baran was telling me about his new lover.

“This time it's real, Captain. We're even preparing for a wedding.”

“...You always say the same thing every time. Just confess already.”

“I’ll let you know soon. By the way, if I get married, will you lead the ceremony, Captain?”

“If you want me to.”

“Getting a noble to lead my wedding...I've finally succeeded.”

Baran joked.

I just smiled.

From behind, Shawn shouted.

“Vice-captain Baran, stop joking and just get married already. All talk and no action.”

Some of the team members burst into laughter.


Baran clicked his tongue, unable to respond to Shawn’s teasing.

Shawn was already a father, having a daughter.

He had married later than me, but soon after, he and his wife had a child.

Feeling proud as a father, Shawn continued.

“Vice-captain Baran, let me give you some must have a daughter. She’s so adorable...”

“If it were that easy, no one would be worried.”

“I know the method. Right after-”

“-Save the raunchy talk for the tavern.”

Baran clicked his tongue, tired of Shawn’s bragging.

I kept smiling at their conversation.

From the back, Burns asked.

“Captain, aren’t you going to have a child?”

Was it because it was spring?

Both Gale and Burns were curious about my child.

Perhaps, like the budding leaves, they wanted to see new life bloom.

“I should.”

My short answer made everyone chuckle lightly.

Even on our way to catch bandits, we didn’t lose our laughter.


But the sudden scream from afar made us all adjust our posture.

We all understood the situation without needing to say a word.

The bandits were active somewhere.

“Over there...!”

Soon, Baran spotted the bandits first.

They were plundering humans living in a secluded cabin.

From their equipment, it was clear.

These bandits were mercenaries.

...And they weren’t from our region.

Just by looking at their gear and race, we could tell.

It was clear they had traveled a long distance to reach Stockpin.

It was the fate of mercenaries, continually driven from place to place.

The reason we hadn’t ended up like that...was all thanks to Adam Hyung.

“They’re like weeds. No matter how many you cut down...”

Ignoring Baran’s muttering, I drew my sword.

The other members followed suit, drawing their swords as well.

The bandits, alerted by the sound of our horses' hooves, finally noticed us.

‘It’s Berg Reiker!’


They all began to flee in unison.

Watching the backs of the bandits, I gave my orders to the members.

“Catch them all.”

The team responded to my command as one and set off after the bandits.


Burns, riding his horse, nocked an arrow to his bow.

The tension of the bowstring felt tight in his right hand.

Following Berg’s command, the members were chasing the scattering bandits.

Burns was no different.

He was pursuing the bandit he had singled out first.

Having participated in numerous raids as part of the former Head Hunter unit, Burns found manhunting not particularly difficult.

Especially when the enemy was fleeing, there was nothing simpler.

With his thighs gripping his horse tightly, he slowly aimed the arrow at the bandit’s leg.

“...Got you-”



Just as he was about to release the arrow, Burns’ horse reared, lifting its front legs high.

The sudden movement caused Burns to lose his balance and fall off the horse, still holding his bow and arrow.



Realizing the situation was going awry, Burns quickly got up.

Sure enough, the bandit he was chasing and two more who had been hiding were charging at him.


They seemed intent on killing him, taking his horse, and escaping.

Burns drew his sword, aware that he had no allies nearby to help.

“Damn it...!”


He reminded himself that these weren’t just bandits; they were former mercenaries.


Burns exhaled sharply, steadying his mind.

He had faced countless dangers before.

He had learned well from Adam and Berg how to break through a deadly situation.

As the three bandits closed in, Burns’ training and instincts took over. With a focused mind and steely determination, he prepared to engage in a fight for his life.




“Gah... Gah... Gah!!”


Burns was pressing down on the last bandit's neck with his hand, his bloodied sword in the other.

Fortunately, he had managed to subdue all the bandits without sustaining any injuries.

As he cut down the bandits and captured the last one, the pent-up tension released, giving way to anger.

“How dare you ambush me...?”

The last bandit Burns captured was a dwarf.

The bandit had dropped his sword and was struggling desperately to keep breathing.

“Gah...! Gah... Gah!!”

Burns placed his sword on the ground and punched the bandit in the face.


The bandit, completely demoralized, couldn’t put up any resistance.

He could only breathe shallowly, pleading for mercy.

“Gah... Gah...! Please...! Spare my... Gah!! Spare my life...!”

Burns threw the bandit to the ground, releasing his grip on his neck.

He had no choice but to cut down the other two bandits, but Berg always preferred capturing bandits alive.

...So he would let this one live.

Once he had vented his anger.

Burns climbed on top of the fallen dwarf and continued to punch him.

-Thud! Thud! Thud!

From a distance, other members of the Red Flames who had spotted him were approaching.

“Burns!! Are you alright?!”

Burns looked at his comrades and shouted.

“I’m fine! Just this one!”


“Needs a little!!”




The bandit, gasping for air, suddenly coughed violently.

“Cough!! Cough!! Gah! Gah!!”

With the cough, red blood sprayed onto Burns’ face.



Burns gritted his teeth in disgust.

“...This bastard...!”

He roughly wiped the bandit's blood from his face and raised his fist again.


At that moment, Shawn’s voice rang out.

“Burns. It's over. That’s enough, calm down.”

“...Huff... Huff...”

Burns took deep breaths, looking down at the bandit.

His teeth were missing, his face was bruised and swollen, and his beard was soaked in blood.

“Cough...! Cough....!”

The bandit clutched his crushed throat, continuously coughing.

Burns finally wiped his bloody knuckles and stood up.

Berg approached on his horse and asked.

“Burns. Are you alright?”

Seeing his captain’s face helped calm Burns’ nerves.

He kept wiping the blood off his face as he responded.

“....I’m fine, Captain.”

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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