Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.183: Request for Support (3)

Incompatible Interspecies Wives

C.183: Request for Support (3)

I wake up from a long slumber.

At my stirring, Sien begins to wriggle beside me as well.

She curls up as if cold, then, still half-asleep, reaches out to me.

She grasps my bare waist and gently pulls me towards her.


I chuckle softly at the sight and hug her.

A smile spreads across Sien’s face too.

“How are you feeling?”

I ask her once she’s fully awake.

Recently, in Stockpin, this is how we would check in on each other.

With the plague spreading, we made sure to check on the health of our loved ones daily.

Despite our efforts, we couldn’t completely stop the plague.

Even now, countless people suffer from relentless coughing fits.

Every day, the number of patients grew, and more people collapsed.

I was just thankful we had requested swift support from Blackwood.

Sien, still hugging me, quietly says,

“I’m fine. How about you?”

“I’m fine too.”

We stayed like that, holding each other for a long while.

We savored the small happiness that only mornings could bring.

After lying there for a long time, I decided to start my day.

With a sigh, I sat up.

Sien, realizing I was leaving for work, let go of me.

I got out of bed and started putting on my clothes.

Sien approached and began changing out of her pajamas.

As I watched her, I asked,

“...You’re not going anywhere, are you?”

She didn’t respond.

Frowning, I said,

“I told you to rest at home.”

Sien paused in her dressing to look at me.

She complained,

“…How can I?”


“…How can I when the villagers are all collapsing…”

It seemed she couldn’t let go of her old habits as a saint.

She showed more concern for others than for her own well-being.

She could catch the plague while nursing afflicted villagers.

While her dedication was appreciated, it also made me worry.

“…Bell, there aren’t enough people to care for the patients.”

“But why does it have to be you?”

“Then should we ignore the suffering people…?”

I sighed and pulled Sien into my arms.

She buried her face in my chest and hugged me tightly.

“I understand how you feel, Sien.”


“But as you said, your health isn’t great.”


I patted her back and added,

“…And we have to think about the child in your belly too.”

Sien couldn’t refute my words.

It was as if she was persuaded.

Still, seeing her discomfort, I added,

“Blackwood is arriving today.”

I patted her back once more and said,

“So you should rest.”


Hearing the name, Sien bit her lip.

Despite trying to hide it, a slight discomfort was visible.

Even though she understood why they had to come, she wasn’t entirely at ease with it.

We all understood the reason well.

Even I felt conflicted.

I wasn’t sure if Ner would come.

Honestly, a part of me hoped she wouldn’t.

I wasn’t ready for everything that would follow.

What would happen if she did come?

I couldn’t predict.

Sien nodded, released me, and continued dressing.


“You’re not dressing to go nurse anyone.”


She then sat in front of the vanity and started applying light makeup.

“I’m preparing because we have guests coming.”


I nodded.

Once I finished getting ready, I headed out to speak with Gale before Blackwood arrived.

“I’m heading out, Sien.”

I said as I was about to leave the bedroom.


But Sien called out, stopping me.


“I love you.”

She conveyed her feelings to me.

Words we had exchanged countless times.

Yet, they never felt cliché.

Today’s ‘I love you’ had a hint of jealousy.

No one had even arrived yet, but she was already feeling this way.

I smiled at her and responded,

“I love you too, Sien.”


“There they come.”

Gale and I watched the carriages approaching from a distance.

They were larger in scale than I had expected.

It seemed they were bringing substantial support.


I tried to calm my racing heartbeat.

It had been over a year and a half since I parted ways with Ner.

We parted ways in the autumn two years ago, and now spring is approaching.

We spent a lot of time without knowing how the other was living.

If Ner didn’t come... then it would be time to let her fade from my memory.

But if Ner did come, what should I do?

I continued my thoughts to steel my resolve.

...If Ner came, perhaps it would be best to let go of all lingering feelings for her this time.

A clean end might be the right choice.

Gale and I rode out to greet them.

Many people followed behind us.

Sien was among them.

I saw Blackwood’s second son leading at the front.

His name was...

“…Garan Blackwood.”

Gale, as if reading my mind, reminded me of his name.

I nodded.

Soon, the Blackwood procession halted in front of the village.

Only Garan rode forward.

I did the same and approached Garan.

We dismounted simultaneously and faced each other.

I extended my hand for a handshake, and Garan grasped it firmly.

“It’s been a while, Lord Reiker.”

“It has been.”

“We haven’t seen each other much since the subjugation at Blackwood. I still remember your swordsmanship from back then...”

“…You flatter me.”

We started with a light conversation.

Then Garan noticed Sien approaching and spoke.


“I’m no longer a saintess, just Sien Reiker.”

“…My apologies, Lady Reiker. Please forgive my rudeness at our first meeting...”

“It’s fine. Was your journey peaceful?”

“Yes, it was. Your estate is truly beautiful.”

Garan then turned to Gale.

“Greetings, Master Warrior.”

“I’ve left that title behind. I’m not as strong as I used to be.”

“But until a successor appears, you remain the Master Warrior, don’t you?”

Gale shrugged, a hint of pride showing through.

It was as if a remnant of the fierce personality he had in his youth lingered.

After exchanging pleasantries, Garan turned and gestured towards his group.

He seemed to signal them to bring forward the rest of their party.

At the same time, our next guests were getting ready to appear.

A wolfkin soldier approached a magnificent carriage and opened the door.

Garan’s eyes, mine, and Gale’s all turned in that direction.

It was time to see who had come to visit us.


Finally, a woman with gray hair and tail emerged.

Lan Blackwood.

She was the eldest daughter of the Blackwood family.

Standing atop the carriage, she bowed her head towards me.

Gale, Sien, and I returned the gesture.

It seemed Ner hadn’t come.

And I secretly sighed with relief.

Whether the feeling in my chest was relief or something else, I couldn’t tell.


But then, the sound of someone stepping out of the carriage followed.

I raised my head and saw a figure appear after Lan.

A tail as white as snow.

Hair like winter frost.

Perked ears.

A curvaceous figure. freёweɓ

Striking beauty.

And vacant eyes.

...It was Ner.

The woman I thought wouldn’t come stepped out after all.

She stood there on the carriage, looking even more beautiful than before.

I couldn’t greet her as I had Garan and Lan.

Unconsciously, I froze, unable to react to her presence.

Ner’s empty eyes slowly searched and found me.



We looked at each other in silence for a long time.

Ner’s vacant gaze gradually gained a spark.

She stared at me, ignoring Sien and Gale.

It was as if I was the only one left in the world.

-Step... Step...

Ner slowly descended from the carriage.

Step by step, she approached me.



She still didn’t greet anyone or look at anyone else.

Everyone was drawn into the unique atmosphere she carried.

There was no one here who didn’t know about our past.

Everyone knew we were once married.

As she drew closer, her breathing grew harsher.

It was as if she had been running for a long time, struggling to steady her breath.

Eventually, she reached Garan’s side.

We stood within a step of each other, looking into each other’s eyes.

Before she could get any closer, I bowed my head slightly in greeting.

-Step... Step...

But Ner didn’t stop.

Breaking the appropriate distance, she continued to approach.

Her trembling eyes looked up at me.

Slowly, she reached out her hand.

As if she was going to touch my face like she used to.



I gently stopped Ner’s hand from reaching my face.

I held her wrist and looked down at her.



We were no longer a married couple.

Everyone knew this fact well.

But Ner seemed confused by this obvious reality, looking up at me.


At that moment, Sien slowly moved to my side.


She intertwined her fingers with mine, as if to show Ner who my wife was.

Ner’s eyes finally turned to Sien.

There was a clear boundary between Ner and us.

Even our race were different.

Sien and I were both humans.


Ner finally seemed to come to her senses and cautiously lowered her arm.

At that same moment, I noticed something.

...Ner was still wearing our wedding ring on her left ring finger.

And she even wore my ring, the one I had discarded, on her thumb.

She had always disliked wearing rings that much.

But before I could dwell on it, Ner spoke.

Her tone was calmer, as if she had regained her composure.

“I received your letter. You mentioned the plague was spreading?”

Ner took a deep breath.

She glanced at Sien briefly and then said,

The source of this c𝓸ntent is frёeweɓηovel.coɱ.

“I’ll help, Berg.”


Ner followed Berg as they walked deeper into Stockpin.

Now, they had to discuss various matters related to the plague.

When did it start? What was the current situation? How many were infected? Were there any recoveries? Were they using any medicine, and so on...

They needed to align their understanding.

...Ner also had some requests for Berg.


Ner couldn’t take her eyes off Berg, whom she was seeing after a long time.

A moment ago, she almost cried when she saw his face.

It felt like there was nothing in the world except Berg.

Memories of their glorious past together seemed to come alive.

If he hadn’t stopped her, she would have forgotten everything and embraced him.

But reality wasn’t so forgiving, and she had to face the former saintess by his side.

Seeing Berg holding the former saintess’ hand as they walked together made her chest tighten painfully.

She still couldn’t completely shake off the feeling that Berg was hers.

She knew it in her head, but her heart couldn’t understand the situation.

That place next to Berg... was definitely supposed to be hers.

She was the one who first received Berg’s love and became his first wife.

Why did things turn out this way?

Even after a year and a half, she still couldn’t accept it.

Perhaps it was because she hadn’t witnessed it with her own eyes.

Were Berg and the former saintess truly happy together?

She and Berg had once pretended to be close, deceiving everyone.

Maybe, just maybe, they were doing the same.

Ner knew well that Berg was trying to elevate the reputation of the humans for Captain Adam’s sake.

Perhaps, in that process... he had gotten involved with the saintess.

Unconsciously, Ner found herself hoping.

‘Cough! Cough!!’

As they walked, coughs echoed around them.

Ner finally took a moment to truly look around at the state of Stockpin.

The plague-ridden Stockpin.

The place had expanded significantly due to its endless development.

It made her realize how long she had been apart from Berg.

She came to understand that a time she could never get back had passed.

Eventually, the crowd stopped in front of Captain Adam’s house.

Berg’s servants appeared and bowed deeply.

Garan and Lan acknowledged their greetings and entered the house.

Those not involved in the meeting began to disperse.

It seemed the former saintess was also saying her goodbyes to Berg.

They were smiling and talking as they parted.


Why was even watching that so painful?

Suppressing the ache in her chest, Ner swallowed hard.

She was about to follow Garan and Lan into the house.

At that moment, she overheard Berg and the saintess’ conversation.

‘…Yes. Go home. I’ll come after the meeting.’

‘Will you come quickly? I feel... a bit lonely today.’

The saintess flirted with Berg, her tone playful.

Ner found herself gritting her teeth.

But Berg responded with a bright smile.

‘I will. I’ll come back earlier than usual... go home and rest safely.’


Then he kissed the saintess on the forehead.


For Ner, it was a heart-wrenching sight.

As a married couple, such actions might have been expected.

But Ner hadn’t shared many such moments.

‘It’s not enough.’

At that moment, the saintess wrapped her arms around Berg’s neck.

She pulled him close and kissed him deeply.


Unable to bear watching any longer, Ner turned and walked away.

She forced herself to suppress the wild pounding of her heart.

She fought back the tears that threatened to spill.

She had already shed enough tears to last a lifetime.

...It was time to act, to endure.

Until she reclaimed Berg’s love, she would face countless pains.


...But at the same time,

Hatred for the saintess grew within her, an emotion she couldn’t control.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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