Night of the Broken Gliph - C.165


However, here lay a problem; Chor Shing Chit didnt have a suitable weapon. They had left the Fallen Stars Rodin Southary after fighting Chan Shue Gun, and he hadnt been able to find a suitable weapon after that. Chor Clan members had high requirements for their weapons. Moreover, Chor Shing Chit was a talent, making his benchmark for a weapon extremely high. Hed rather fight unarmed than use an unsuitable weapon.

Is fighting me not worth you using a weapon!? Chor Sing was truly furious to see Chor Shing Chit facing him without a weapon.

But Chor Shing Chit shook his head, not explaining himself.

Sure! Chor Sing laughed angrily. Let me see how much you have improved in these past years, huh?


Instantly, Chor Sing shot toward Chor Shing Chit. His weapon sliced through the air at lightning speed, forming a sound barrier around it, while Chor Sing dashed forward together with it.

Chor Shing Chit had a solemn expression as he reached both hands out to catch the rod with his bare hands!

It didnt take Chor Sing long to recover from his shock as he stared at Chor Shing Chit furiously. He thought Chor Shing Chit was trying to humiliate him. To the members of the Chor Clan, being humiliated felt even worse than losing because it had to do with the pride of the Chor Clan, as well as his pride!

He didnt dodge the attack as he activated his energliph. Without his gliph cover, Chor Sings gliphs were exposed to everyone. But it didnt matter since the gliph tattooed on him was the Spiral Dragon gliph, the signature gliph of the Chor Clan known throughout the world.

The Spiral Dragon gliph on Chor Sings arm shone brightly as his fierce aura enveloped the hall. The pitch-black energliph he inserted into his Breaking Wind Rod was from a skillset passed down by the Chor Clan, Inks Will, which made the gliph patterns on the rod light up.

His gliphility was called A Dragons Weather Play!


The rod in his hands turned into a long, green dragon as he sped up, breaking the sound barrier again. Chor Sing was moving as fast as he could!

It was nerve-wracking for Chui Yim to watch. With the Pierce gliph carved on his weapon, the glipher could easily pierce his opponents defence, gliphilities, and even armour to injure him. Whistle was a speed-attributed gliph that increased his speed. On the other hand, Winds Answer utilised the aggressiveness of the wind-attributed rod and amplified its power. Wind-attributed attacks were mainly speed dependent, distincting Chor Sings style from Chor Shing Chits fierce and aggressive style.

He was known for his great speed that suppressed his opponents!

The process sounded long-winded, but it all happened in a blink of an eye, from Chor Sing making his move, activating his gliphility and his rod reaching Chor Shing Chit.

Chor Shing Chit didnt let his guard down as he activated Inks Will as well, a black gas surrounding him and forming the Chor Clans defence gliphility, Inks Shield. The gliph on his arms under the gliph cover lit up as the dragon claws met with his fingers. Black dragon claws were faintly seen from his arms; a weird trace followed his hands out as if nothing could escape his grip.

Chor Chun Ping was pleasantly surprised by his sons performance. As Chor Huet Zhins son, he trained under his fathers rugged training and became a tough man. Even if Chor Chong Hoi didnt send him to the Southern Bulwark, he had already fought at the Bloody War Frontier from a young age.

In the current Chor Clan, the most powerful glipher besides Chor Huet Zhin was Chor Chun Ping, and he could tell how wonderful Chor Shing Chits skill was.

The Chor Clans Spiral Dragon gliph was a legend not just because of how it possessed the fierce energy of the ancient Spiral Dragon after the gliph was activated but also its ability to mimic a Spiral Dragons scale. The Chor Clan had records of a glipher who once reached the six-chambered state with this gliph carved on all six of his chambers, which granted him with the ability to transform into an invincible Spiral Dragon.

Chor Shing Chits special attack had hints of the Chor Clans Military Strike, just that it was a cleaner version with the Spiral Dragon Claws gliphs ferocious energy.

This gliphility was known as the Pearl-Snatching Duo Dragons.


A claw grabbed and tightly held onto the high-speed rod!

Hmph! Chor Sing let out a mad huff as he exerted energy in both his hands, his left leg lighting up simultaneously. This energliph was known as Dragon Walk!

If Chor Shing Chits Pearl-Snatching Duo Dragons and Chor Sings A Dragons Weather Play were self-made gliphilities with Military Strike as their base, Dragon Walk was a movement-attributed gliphility passed down for generations in the Chor Clan to help their cultivators move swiftly in battle. This was a gliphility that only glipher with both unlocked leg chambers could use.

An illusion of a dragons tail formed around Chor Sings feet which increased his energy instantly. His green dragon broke free and struck Chor Shing Chits chest brutally, sending him flying.

Show your weapon, or you wont stand a chance. Chor Shing slammed the rod onto the ground, creating a small wind that made dust fly.

This entire exchange took less than ten seconds, but it was evident that both parties had given their all. Even Chui Yim, who didnt have much battle experience, could recognise this with what basic knowledge he had learned from Chor Shing Chit.

Taking their conversation as the start of the fight to them utilising their energliph and gliphility, Chor Sing spent less than a second on everything. This proved how skilled he was at controlling his energliph, and Chor Shing Chit was able to identify Chor Sings power and came to the immediate conclusion to block the attack with Pearl-Snatching Duo Dragons.

If things had continued, Chor Shing Chit could have made Chor Sings weapon fly out of his hands, but Chor Sing had similarly fast reflexes and activated Dragon Walk with his right foot chamber for a burst of strength to escape Chor Shing Chit.

Both parties proficiency in gliphilties, battle skills and other aspects were relatively similar; the only difference was that Chor Shing Chit didnt have a weapon while Chor Shing had his Breaking Wind Rod, which he was extremely familiar with, having acquired it for quite some time.

This was the reason for their gap in strength.

Shing Chit, take this rod, Chor Chun Ping said as he threw a pitch-black rod towards Chor Shing Chit.

Clan Leader, isnt this against the rules, Chor Chong Hoi spoke coldly.

Before Chor Huet Zhin commented, Chor Sing spoke first. Its fine.

He stared at Chor Shing Chit, the will to fight burning in his eyes. Im going to make him lose decisively.

Chor Shing Chit touched the rod with a complex expression. The rod was just a standard rod used by Chor Clan members for practice; it wasnt even a gliph weapon.

Now, hed be fighting Chor Sings Breaking Wind Rod with this ordinary rod. In the eyes of outsiders, Chor Shing Chit might have already lost, but not to the spectating Chor Clan members.

Besides Chui Yim, everyone present was from the Chor Clan. To them, having a rod in their hands was equivalent to having control of the world, even if it was just an ordinary rod. As soon as their hands held a rod, it was capable of flipping the world upside down.

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