Super Card System - C.469: Explosive Fury

Super Card System

C.469: Explosive Fury

Could it be that our eyes are playing tricks on us!?

Gan Fall, Wyper, and the other Shandorians guerrilla fighters were astounded to the point of their jaws nearly dislocating when they saw Enel being brought down by Ian.

They had just gathered their courage, preparing to climb the vine and engage in a life-or-death battle with Enel!

And what was the outcome now! Who the hell can tell us what kind of creature that miserable-looking person is!?

With Ians appearance, the whole scene fell into silence. It was so quiet that even when Ian greeted everyone, no one could respond. All of them were left speechless and shocked.

After a long while, Zoro was the first to regain his senses. He pointed at Enel, who was being held by Ian, and asked, W-Whats the deal with this guy? Is he really Enel?

Yeah, its him! Ian nodded and said, This guy is too fast. I have to watch out for him slipping away!

No, thats not what I meant, how did you catch him? Zoro lowered his head, somewhat frustrated, and said, Do you even know who he is?

Of course, I know! Ian looked at everyone with a bewildered expression and said, Isnt he the ruler of this Sky Island?

Now, the others were even more speechless. They finally confirmed that Ian had indeed captured the so-called God Enel, but but

But just a moment ago, they were here, full of confidence, discussing plans to join forces. What was it all for!?

Zoro, who yearned for a battle, felt a sense of frustration. Who would have thought that while they were eager to take action, Ian had already finished the job

You must have orchestrated this elaborate ruse! Zoro couldnt help but draw his sword and point it at Ian, his forehead veins pulsating as he yelled, Youre definitely here to deceive us!

Upon hearing Zoros roar, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates, except for Nami and Usopp, nodded along as if it was a matter of fact.

Ian shrugged his shoulders and said, Well, what can I say? You guys arrived so late.

At that moment, Robin and Reiju couldnt help but cover their mouths and burst into giggles, finding the scene highly amusing.

They were well aware of Ians combat prowess, so they werent surprised that he was able to capture Enel and bring him down in such a miserable state. However, for Luffy and Zoro, despite their previous encounters with Ian, they still had a limited understanding of his true strength, resulting in this discrepancy.

Fortunately, witnessing Luffys utterly dejected expression, Robin stepped forward and spoke up on their behalf, saying, Ian, they actually wanted to join the fight to help you!

Indeed, this was the very reason that infuriated Zoro the most. He had hoped that by participating in the battle alongside Ian, he would prove his growth. As for the identity of the enemy, he hadnt given it much thought.

But who could have guessed that Ian wouldnt even give him that opportunity?

Listening to Robins explanation, Ian suddenly realized and understood Zoros sentiments. He thought to himself that Robin truly deserved the title of the understanding elder sister who could grasp others emotions accurately.

With that in mind, Ian reached out and placed his hand on Zoros mossy green head, just like he did back in Frostmoon Village, giving it a firm rub. He said, Thank you, Zoro. I appreciate your intentions!

Are you trying to pick another fight with me? Zoros head became red, feeling embarrassed and humiliated by Ians action. To be subjected to a head-patting attack in front of his comrades He had no choice but to resort to his signature yell to cover up his embarrassment.

Hehe, my apologies. Its a habit! Ian chuckled as he released Zoro and patted his shoulder instead.

On the side, Doroni, with a curious expression, stared at Enel, who was being held by Ians right hand. Unable to resist, he extended a finger and lightly poked Enel. As a result, a faint static electricity still lingered on Enels body, remnants of the battle with Ian. This static electricity traveled through Doronis finger and spread throughout his body.

Since Enel was under Ians control, the voltage of the static electricity was naturally not too strong.

After Doroni poked Enel, his whole body instantly became numb, and then all the fur on his body stood on end due to the electric shock! Doroni was a bear-Mink tribe member, but after coming into contact with the static electricity, all the fur on his body stood up, resembling a hedgehog!

Wow so much fun! Luffy was immediately captivated by this scene and stared at Chopper with sparkling eyes.

He then picked up Chopper and placed him next to Enel. Chopper was a bit timid and nervous facing Enel, but his curiosity got the better of him, so he extended his hoof and lightly touched Enel.

As a result, Choppers fur also stood on end, forming a fluffy little hedgehog.

Wahahaha! Seeing this scene, Luffy laughed so hard that tears streamed down his face. Usopp was in the same state, laughing uncontrollably while pounding the ground. Even Chopper himself couldnt contain his laughter. Every time he touched Enel with his hoof, his fur would puff up and then settle back down when he retracted, only to puff up again when he touched him once more. Chopper was enjoying this poking game to the fullest.

The three carefree fellows were having a blast, but Ian and the others couldnt help but sweat with huge drops forming on the back of their heads.

As for Enel himself, he was furious! How could a deity of his stature be treated as a mere plaything toy? So, Enel snapped out of it and shouted, The audacity!

He was about to release a powerful electric current to make these idiots taste his wrath.

However before he could even finish shouting, a sudden force twisted his shoulder, swiftly pivoting his body.

Ian approached Enels face, wearing a dark and menacing expression, and asked him, What do you intend to do to our adorable Chopper!?

Upon hearing these words, cold sweat immediately poured down Enels face. Ian was right in front of him, with a shadowy expression that looked extremely fierce, instantly reminding Enel of the fear he experienced when he was under Ians control.

Without waiting for an explanation, Ian immediately delivered a devastating blow, a powerful punch directly to Enels abdomen.

The impact of the punch caused Enels eyes to bulge, and he bent over, clutching his stomach and retching.

After delivering the punch, Ian turned around with a smile and said to Chopper, Go ahead, Chopper! Poke him as much as you want!

Chopper hasnt come back to his senses yet when he was suddenly lifted from behind. He turned his head and saw it was Nami, wearing a smile, holding him and rubbing his cheek against Enel. Little buddy, your fur seems to be much smoother now!

You Even if you praise me, I wont be happy! Chopper protested, but his body couldnt hide its excitement as it wiggled. He was being carried by Nami, and he extended his hand to poke Enel again

Indeed, the fur did feel smoother

As they chatted happily, Gan Fall, Wyper, and the Shandia warriors were left dumbfounded. Witnessing Ian punching Enel as if he were punching his grandson, they no longer had any doubts. Enel had truly been defeated by the person before them, and it wasnt just a simple defeatit was a complete and utter subjugation!

Seeing Enel unable to say a word after being punched, allowing a little raccoon (?!) or a bear-kid (?!) to poke him without resistance, feeling utterly humiliated yet still forced to put on a smiling face It was truly a sight to behold.

After regaining his senses, Gan Fall finally approached Ian and said, Thank you. Please allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude. You saved the entire Angel Island!

Hearing Gan Falls words, Ian turned to look at him and replied, Dont mention it. After all, Im on this Sky Island too. If the Sky Island is destroyed, I wont fare well either, right?

Gan Fall didnt say anything more and turned to Enel, saying, I never expected to see this day, Enel.

Enels stomach was still aching, but he disdainfully retorted to Gan Fall, So what? I wasnt defeated by you!

Gan Fall didnt get angry at Enels words. Instead, he rebuked him, saying, You are a god, the ruler of the entire Sky Island. But why would you destroy it? Dont you have even a shred of compassion for your people?

Gan Fall was truly furious at this moment. He had received news from the escaped slaves and rushed to this forbidden area. Among those slaves were many members of his former Divine Army. The entire Angel Island was in chaos, and every time he thought about the potential consequences, Gan Fall couldnt help but shudder with fear.

But at this moment, he was also grateful. Thank goodness there was a divine nemesis who stopped Enel, this madman

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