Super Card System - C.478: Six Years

Super Card System

C.478: Six Years

After arriving at the location of the Ark Maxim once again, Ian placed the gold on the deck of the ship and began to inspect its damages.

Previously, in order to prevent Enel from taking off, Ian had attacked the Ark Maxim without hesitation. But now, when it was time to retrieve it, he felt a bit conflicted about his actions.

Though Ian wasnt too knowledgeable about the ships internal technology, he knew for sure that the Ark Maxims power system was definitely damaged. Fortunately, during his inspection, he discovered numerous shells embedded in the hull.

These should be Jet dials, right? With these Jet Shells, even if the power system is damaged, it seems like the ship can still take off?

Ian couldnt help but glance at Enel and notice that he pretended not to care, allowing Ian to examine the ship. However, his eyes secretly revealed some nervousness as he kept an eye on Ian.

Ian sneered in his heart. Enel wasnt being honest; he probably wanted to gamble that Ian wouldnt recognize these Jet Shells.

But, not only did Ian recognize them, even Usopp did. Usopp had already encountered some unique shell culture on this island and was very interested in it. Upon seeing the shells on the ships bottom, he immediately began to study them. After tinkering for a while, he also discovered the shells wonderful function.

Ian, big brother! Usopp now called Ian the same way Nami and the others did, excitedly running up to him, gesturing with enthusiasm. These shells seem to produce powerful wind force. With these shells, its possible that this ship can take off again!

Ian smiled, and glanced at Enel who had turned pale. This guy probably hadnt anticipated it at all. Even if Ian hadnt pointed out these shells, with Usopp, the little inventor around, he couldnt hide the Jet Dials existence.

These subtle actions indicated that Enel still cared about his Ark Maxim.

Ian knew very well about Enels dilemma. He had grown up in his homeland, Birka. Although he was a half-breed, influenced by his surroundings, his longing for the vast land was the same as any other Skypiean. To reach the endless land, he needed the Ark Maxim.

After being soundly beaten by Ian, Enel was indeed afraid. He obediently followed Ians orders, doing whatever Ian said. However, assuming he would resign himself to this fate was wishful thinking.

Enel was acutely aware that as long as he remained in Ians sight, there was no escaping. If he wished to flee, he had to transform into lightning. But Ians uncanny power had a firm grip on him, akin to a natural predator holding its prey. Enel realized that the only chance of escape lay in putting a considerable distance between him and Ian.

The problem was that Ian had ordered him to stick close, leaving Enel no opportunity to flee.

Although he had toyed with the idea of capturing Ians companions to blackmail him, he quickly realized the futility of such a plan. The moment he captured Ians friends, Ian could just as effortlessly control him!

In a bind, the only hope for Enel lay in Ians negligence, a moment when he would let his guard down. At that crucial juncture, Enel could seize the chance to escape, commandeer the Ark Maxim, and depart swiftly.

This was precisely why Enel hadnt activated the Jet Shells after the ships propulsion system was damaged. He kept a contingency plan, hoping to make Ian believe that the Ark Maxim was utterly inoperable.

In a nutshell, Enels mindset was that, as long as the Ark Maxim was intact, he still held the hope of reaching the infinite land.

For this reason, he was willing to accept even the loss of all the gold on the ship if it meant preserving the Ark Maxim.

Unfortunately, Ian proved to be even more devious than he had anticipated. Ian wasnt planning to let the damaged Ark Maxim go to waste; he wanted to bring it back into service!

This revelation struck at Enels very core, exposing his vulnerability.

This was going too far! Enel trembled with fury. After Usopp exposed the secret of the Jet Shells, Enel contemplated whether he should make one final desperate struggle, facing Ian head-on, no matter the cost.

However, Ian saw through his intentions and immediately placed his hand on his blade, coldly sneering at him. Whats the matter, Enel? Do you want to see me heartlessly cut you down?

You! Enel tightened his grip on the golden staff in his hand, hesitating.

Deep down, he knew the bitter truthhe stood no chance against Ian. Any notion of a desperate escape was but a foolish delusion. Even if the fish fought fiercely, the net would never break.

Surveying his surroundings, Enel noticed not only Ian but also Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, and the others, all vigilantly eyeing him, prepared for a battle at a moments notice.

Observing Enels hesitation, Ian spoke thoughtfully, I know you want to return to your homeland, the Moon! I have no intention of stopping you. However, now that youve fallen into my hands, you must pay a price. Heres the dealyou must serve under me for six years. After that, whether you want to stay or leave, I wont stop you!

Previously, Ian had shown no mercy in brutally pummeling Enel. But now, offering him a condition, Enel saw a glimmer of hope.

Enel was well aware that Ian coveted his power. However, if he stubbornly resisted, Ian might indeed kill him.

This was precisely Ians thinking. He knew Enels obstinate nature, and if negotiation failed, he intended to take a ruthless approach. After all, upon a Devil Fruit users death, their power would be reborn in a new fruit. If it came to that, Ian could invest time and effort into finding another Goro Goro no Mi userthe rare and formidable Logia-type Devil Fruit. He couldnt afford to relinquish such power. If Enel proved useless, Ian would create another Goro Goro no Mi wielder to serve his purpose!

In fact, he had considered granting the reborn fruit to his sworn brother, Sabo, or even to Zoro

Having shared the bond of brotherhood over the ritual of sake, Sabo had become one of Ians most trusted allies. Naturally, Ian intended to offer such a gift to those he deemed worthy of his trust.

Lost in these thoughts, a hint of killing intent inadvertently escaped Ian, which Enel keenly sensed. Alarm bells rang in Enels mind. While arrogant, he wasnt foolish enough to confront an enemy who could end his life at any moment. Defying Ian would be a reckless disregard for his own existence. Yet, he found the six-year agreement a bit too demanding, prompting him to negotiate, Six years is too long!

Hearing Enels plea, Ian understood that Enel had indeed submitted. He loosened his grip on the sword and said, If you can spend six years creating an Ark, surely you can wait another six years. Rest assured, after six years, your Ark will be returned to you intact. Besides, you need my assistance to repair the Ark now, dont you?

Fine fine then! Enel begrudgingly replied, You better keep your word!

The agreement was sealed, and Ian felt a sense of relief. He knew that despite his ability to overpower Enel, it was impractical to keep a constant watch on him. He couldnt treat Enel like a hound, perpetually leashed with Seastone cuffs. Such humiliation wasnt Ians style, nor would he stoop to that level. The best approach was to have Enel cooperate willingly.

The Dragon Hunters Pirates, Ians crew, had never forced anyone to join their ranks. Enel was an exception. Ian could have used Soul Rippera threat he had employed against Crocodilebut considering Enel, being the lunatic he is, probably wouldnt care about losing a tenth of his lifespan anyway.

With the Ark in hand and the agreement set, Ian ensured Enel temporarily abandoned his escape plans. It made things much easier for Ian in the long run.

Zoro felt a bit disappointed as he put away his sword. He actually wanted to test his skills against Enel. Because of Ians intervention, they couldnt fight Enel, so they had no idea how strong he really was, which made them curious.

How long can these Jet Dials support the Arks flight? Ian asked Enel.

Only two hours! Enel shook his head and said, Once the Jet Dials run out of stored energy, well have to land! Besides, we wont find any other Jet Dials. Even on my home island, Birka, they are already extinct.

Ian nodded, understanding the situation. He then asked Enel, Since you built the Ark based on the design, can you repair the propulsion system?

I dont know, Enel explained, I had the slaves I captured build it according to the design. Im familiar with the propulsion system, but it doesnt mean I can build or repair them.

Reiju understood Ians meaning and spoke up, Then, is it possible to bring back those builders to help us fix it?

Its probably difficult, Robin glanced at Enel and said, Even if the ship has changed owners, it still represents a painful memory for them.

Forget it, lets do it ourselves! Well repair as much as we can! Ian sighed.

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