Super Card System - C.483: CP6


How could this happen!?

Sengoku stood up and held his head in pain, saying, Is this just a coincidence, or was it planned?

The Four Emperors are the biggest adversaries of the entire Navy. Regardless of which Yonko it is, their movements are worthy of attention. Normally, it wouldnt be a big deal for a Yonko to meet a Shichibukai. The Shichibukai appointed by the Navy are mostly notorious and distinctive pirates. For example, its normal for there to be connections between Jinbe and Whitebeard, and friendship between Shanks and Mihawk. The Navy has long been aware of such things and hasnt interfered.

This also has implications for Ian and Whitebeards pirate crew, but it didnt affect his appointment as a Shichibukai.

In other words, even if there are relationships and connections between the Shichibukai and the Four Emperors, the Navy is unable to stop them; they lack the power to interfere

So, even though they are aware of this, the Navy can only turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it. Moreover, the relationship between the Four Emperors and the Shichibukai can be seen as a way to balance power.

Therefore, according to this logic, there should be nothing unusual about Red-Haired Shanks encountering Ian.

However, for some reason, Sengoku always has a bad premonition about this.

Among the newly appointed Shichibukai, there are two people that Sengoku finds dangerous: one is Doflamingo, and the other is Ian.

Doflamingo needs no explanation; his evil nature and ties with the Celestial Dragons make him dangerous.

As for Ian, its a different story. Unlike Doflamingo, Ian is not evil; he belongs to the kinder type. However, paradoxically, thats what makes him most dangerous. Had he not been driven by benevolence, he wouldnt have dared to slay the Celestial Dragons at Mariejois!

Ian had not joined the Marines, which meant his sense of justice was not restrained like that of the Navys.

Moreover, the most troublesome aspect was that Ian was highly intelligent.

This led to him becoming the first person who killed a World Noble and still ended up becoming a Shichibukai!

Initially, Sengoku opposed Ian becoming a Shichibukai for this very reason. As an experienced Navy officer with decades of service, he had encountered countless individuals of all sorts, and his ability to judge people was usually spot-on. He could sense the danger hidden beneath Ians exterior.

As for Red-Haired Shanks, not only was he one of the Four Emperors, but he was also once a crew member of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. The danger posed by Roger didnt lie solely in his power but in his ideology. Shanks experience as a member of Rogers crew had influenced him as well.

Many years had passed since Rogers crew has disbanded, and most of them had disappeared into obscurity after Rogers execution. Only Red-Haired Shanks had not only remained visible but had grown to the level of power equivalent to an Emperor. So, in Sengokus eyes, he always believed that Shanks was someone carrying on Rogers will.

Shanks knew many hidden secrets, and Sengoku couldnt help but wonder what impact it would have if Shanks and Ian were to meet. His ominous premonition stemmed from this.

This wasnt just unfounded fear; Sengokus intuition had always been accurate, and he chose to trust it.

Even if the two were to clash upon meeting, Sengoku felt it would not be too problematic. What worried him the most was if they didnt fight but instead sat down for a chat!

No, this wont do. I must immediately transfer Ian elsewhere! Sengoku thought to himself. Regardless of whether this encounter was a coincidence or not, its best not to let them meet!

Do we have any CP agents on St. Poplar Island? Sengoku immediately raised his head and asked the Major Communications Officer.

The officer hesitated for a moment and replied, There seems to be a CP6 member operating on St. Poplar Island, but fleet Admiral, you know they are under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and we dont have direct authority over them!

Let that be my concern! Sengoku said. I will communicate with the World Government. Your task is to contact the CP6 agent on the island and tell them to find Ian and inform him to hurry and come to Marinfard.

After a brief pause, Sengoku continued, Ah! Yes, tell them to inform him to come and receive the Pacifistas as soon as possible!

In truth, Sengoku was willing to delay the matter with the Pacifistas as long as possible. The Marine Science Unit wanted to strike a deal to obtain Germas technology, but Sengoku feared that leaving the Pacifistas in Ians hands might not be a good idea. So, he had refrained from contacting Ian proactively, and he even hoped that Ian wouldnt come to Marinfard. However, at this moment, to prevent Ian from meeting Red-Haired Shanks, Sengoku couldnt afford to be so hesitant.

The officer saluted and quickly left the room.

Once the communications officer had gone, Sengoku sat down slowly in his chair, stroking the little sheep by his side, who was currently chewing on a piece of paper. He sighed, saying, These are turbulent times

At this moment, Sengoku truly felt his age catching up with him, and he felt somewhat helpless


Sengoku had the CP6 agent on St. Poplar Island deliver the message from the Navy. However, what Sengoku didnt anticipate was that the CP6 agent ended up botching the whole thing!

Through Den Den Mushis radio waves, the message was swiftly delivered. Just as Ian and his group settled into a tavern on St. Poplar Island, preparing to have a drink and inquire about the sea trains schedule, the CP6 member appeared before them.

As CP6 was not as secretive as CP9, they were known to the public as part of the intelligence organization of the World Government. However, CP6 agents were not worried about their presence being exposed.

Being World Government operatives, they appeared dressed in black suits, black hats, and ties, projecting the standard image of government officials. Coupled with their distinct demeanor, the moment they appeared, patrons in the tavern immediately recognized them, causing half of the drinkers to flee in an instant!

No one wanted to engage with World Government intelligence agents. Even if they were curious, they preferred not to linger here, fearing trouble.

The remaining customers were all pirates. While they werent running away at the sight of the CP agents, they couldnt help but feel nervous and kept their mouths shut.

Ian, Robin, and Reiju were initially savoring the islands delicacies, but when they saw these agents, Robin couldnt help but change her expression and almost stood up to flee. During her early years of fleeing, she had encountered too many individuals dressed like these, so she knew exactly who they were.

Noticing her panic, Ian quickly reached out and held her hand, urging her to stay seated and gently shaking his head to signal her not to act hastily.

Robin finally realized that she was no longer alone, facing the perils of fleeing repeatedly. Encouraged by Ians reassuring gaze, she managed to regain some composure and remained seated without making any sudden moves.

Yet, despite her efforts, she couldnt suppress the slight tremble running through her body. She kept her head down, too afraid to lift her eyes and meet the gaze of the agents.

Among the agents, the leader was a remarkably tall individual. His height was unconventional, as it was all concentrated in his long, towering legs, resembling two tall and thin bamboo poles. Oddly enough, his facial appearance seemed genteel, sporting a pair of glasses and a gentlemanly beard on his chin.

With his hands in his pockets, he led around ten CP6 members into the tavern, disdainfully glancing at the remaining pirates before heading straight towards Ians table.

Ian-sama! The lanky leader approached Ian and made a deep bow, bending his entire body at a ninety-degree angle, creating an eerie sight. Smiling, he introduced himself, I am Jerry, a CP6 agent. I learned of your arrival at St. Poplar, so Ive come to deliver the Marines message to you!

However, Ian didnt even spare him a glance. Nonchalantly grabbing a napkin, he leisurely wiped his mouth before casually responding, Get lost! Cant you see Im having a meal?

Ian had dealt with CP agents before. When he extorted ten billion Berries from the Celestial Dragons, it was CP0 agents who came to negotiate with him. Although those agents wore masks to conceal their true identities, at least the CP0 members maintained impeccable manners.

In contrast, this bunch of CP6 agents, while addressing Ian as sama (a sign of respect), couldnt hide their inherent arrogance no matter how hard they tried.

Ian knew precisely why they carried such an attitude. Unlike CP9 or CP0, these agents had revealed themselves in front of ordinary people too many times. Those who knew their identities were filled with fear and awe, which over time only reinforced their haughty demeanor.

They believed they represented the World Government, acting as high-ranking officials, while the common folk were nothing but insignificant peasants meant to kneel before them

Ian despised this bureaucratic behavior the most, and what irked him even more was that these agents not only exuded arrogance but also frightened his companion, Robin!

This island was St. Poplar, not the Water7! Ian had thought there wouldnt be any CP personnel here, which was why he brought Robin along. However, to his surprise, these persistent individuals had still managed to appear!

He couldnt even have a peaceful meal; this constant sense of surveillance was infuriating!

So, how could Ian possibly be courteous to them?

After hearing Ians words, Jerry paused for a moment, seemingly taken aback by being told to get lost. His face alternated between red and white, as if he were about to lose his temper. However, he restrained himself, probably recalling Ians status as one of the Seven Warlords, and hesitated to act recklessly. He forced a smile once again and tried to reason with Ian, Mister, we truly came to convey the Marines message. Wouldnt you want to

Before he could finish his sentence, a plate came hurtling through the air and smashed directly into his face. The tremendous force shattered the plate into pieces, leaving his face a bloody mess, and he fell backward, crashing to the ground.

I told you to get lost! Are you deaf or something!? Ians face darkened as he stood up and pointed at Jerry, scolding him

Updatš“®d from freewš’†bnovš’†

