Super Card System - C.488: Shocking Secrets

Super Card System

C.488: Shocking Secrets

Upon seeing the expression on Shanks face, Ians heartbeats couldnt help but rise. It wasnt because he was frightened by Shanks murderous intent; on the contrary, Ian could sense that Shanks killing intent wasnt directed at him.

The reason his heart was pounding so fiercely was that he realized he might have hit the jackpot! Shanks definitely knew what happened on the island of Ban banrol in the West Blue all those years ago!

Honestly, even though Ian had transmigrated and taken over someone elses body, he shouldnt have been too concerned about the previous owners background. But he couldnt help his curiosity. He might have grown up as an orphan, but it just so happened that when he set sail, his master, Koshiro, had given him a letter. And from the information he had gathered, it seemed that something significant had occurred on Ban banrol Island back then, perhaps not less significant than the destruction of Ohara. How could Ian not want to explore this?

Ian felt that since he had taken over someone elses body, he should at least help this body find its origins. It was a way to fulfill the previous owners wishes, after all.

So Ian quickly spoke to Shanks, saying, Dont misunderstand, Shanks, this is a clue about my origins. When I set sail, my master gave me a letter

And so, Ian recounted the events to Shanks.

You youre actually a survivor from Ban banrol!?

What Ian didnt expect was that after he finished speaking, Shanks immediately widened his eyes, staring at Ian in disbelief.

What particularly astounded Shanks was the fact that Ian had been rescued as a baby. This this was simply

Destiny! Shanks couldnt help but sigh and then picked up the glass of wine on the table, taking a gulp.

Ian remained silent, waiting for Shanks, while Shanks took a while before he suddenly spoke up, saying, I do indeed know about this matter. I can say youve asked the right person. If you were to ask other people from the West Blue, Im afraid no one could tell you the real truth

Ians spirits couldnt help but rise, and he hurriedly asked, What exactly happened? Did Ban banrol really experience a great plague back then?

A plague? Hmph! Shanks couldnt help but snort and said, That was merely the truth presented to the world by the World Government and the Ilusia Kingdom

At this point, Shanks suddenly changed the topic and said to Ian, Do you know? That time, 20 years ago, was when I was an intern on the Oro Jackson!

Ian was initially a bit stunned but soon realized that Shanks was referring to Rogers pirate ship, the Oro Jackson.

It turned out that at that time, Shanks had already been an intern on the Pirate Kings ship. Given his age, he probably hadnt been on the ship for very long.

Sure enough, after taking a sip of his wine, Shanks said, Its quite a coincidence. The West Blue is also my hometown, and at that time, the Oro Jackson happened to be in the West Blue. It was during that time, by a stroke of luck, that I joined Captain Rogers crew. And it was precisely during the Oro Jacksons stay in the West Blue that two major events occurred!

Ian was engrossed in the story, but then Shanks suddenly asked, Do you know about the Ohara incident?

Of course! Ian nodded and also noticed someone quietly appearing at the cabins entrance.

It was Robin! She had likely been awakened by Shanks earlier burst of killing intent (Haoshoku Haki) and had come out to listen to Ian and Shanks discussing the events of the West Blue.

Now that you know about the Ohara incident, do you know how swiftly it unfolded, from its inception to its conclusion? Shanks inquired of Ian.

Ian shook his head. How could he possibly know? But just then, Robin spoke up, Four days! It only took four days!

Shanks was momentarily stunned. He turned to look at Robin, gave her a glance, but didnt say anything. He simply nodded and said, Yes, from the assembly of the Marine fleet to Ohara being erased from the maps, it only took four days in total.

Ian was puzzled and asked Shanks, What does the duration have to do with Ban banrol?

Listen! Shanks looked at Ian meaningfully and said, Do you think the Marines Buster Call fleet could make it from Marine Headquarters to the West Blue in just four days?

Ian did some quick calculations and then shook his head. From his perspective, it would take at least a day for the Marine fleet to assemble and depart. The remaining three days, even if they traveled without encountering any adverse weather conditions, would still not be enough to reach a specific island in the West Blue. Ian estimated it would take about a week at the very least.

But as he thought about it, Ian also sensed something amiss. He asked Shanks in confusion, Are you suggesting that this Buster Call fleet was dispatched from a Marine branch in the West Blue?

Thats impossible? Shanks shook his head. The West Blue branch couldnt possibly possess such a formidable fleet. That fleet belongs to the Marine Headquarters directly!

Ian was getting increasingly bewildered. He couldnt grasp the message Shanks was trying to convey.

However, Robin suddenly realized the implications and urgently asked, Are you suggesting that the fleet responsible for the Buster Call was actually dispatched from Ban banrol!?

Hearing her words, Ian was also struck dumbfounded.

Thats correct! Shanks nodded approvingly. Indeed, the fleet was sent from Ban banrol. On the maps of that time, the distance between Ohara and Ban banrol was just a three-day voyage.

Ian abruptly stood up, astonishment in his voice. Shanks, are you saying that this fleet was sent to Ban banrol to carry out a Buster Call!?

This was Ians speculation, but Shanks shook his head. No, its not like that. The fleet was actually dispatched to Ban banrol for a blockade mission.

A blockade mission? Ian furrowed his brow. But wasnt it stated that Ban banrol didnt experience a plague? Why would they need to blockade the island?

Because what they were blocking was not a plague, but rather, people! Shanks raised his glass again and took a hearty sip. In truth, I only learned about it afterward. Ban banrol never experienced any epidemic. The Marine fleet was utterly confused about their mission at the time. They simply acted on the request of the Ilusia Kingdoms king, who claimed a need to block the island.

But in reality, there was a group of special individuals on Ban banrol at that time! Shanks expression grew increasingly menacing, and he gritted his teeth as he uttered these words, Celestial Dragons!

When Ian heard those words, he froze on the spot and couldnt help blurting out, Why are they involved again!?

Hmph! Shanks snorted disdainfully. The reason is quite simple. At that time, the Celestial Dragons were visiting the Ilusia Kingdom!

Ian immediately grasped the situation. It was similar to when they visited the Goa Kingdom; the Ilusia Kingdom had also extended an invitation to the world nobles to visit their country. While Ian saw the Celestial Dragons as nothing but scum, he couldnt deny that these so-called world nobles, bearing the title of creators, were highly revered in many countries.

To many, the world nobles were the epitome of nobility, and in this world, where many nations practiced monarchies due to geographical constraints, the existence of nobility was inevitable. With the adoration of these nobles, the Celestial Dragons were seen as role models and targets in the eyes of many.

Are you saying that the Marine fleets were actually there to protect the visiting Celestial Dragons? Ian ventured to guess.

Thats correct! Shanks nodded. You may not be aware, but up until twenty years ago, or even earlier, whenever the Celestial Dragons engaged in their visits, the Marines would deploy a significant number of fleets for their protection. However, this visit to the Ilusia Kingdom was likely the last of its kind

Ian wanted to inquire further about why it was the last, but he anticipated what Shanks was about to say, so he remained silent, just like Robin, quietly listening.

During the Celestial Dragons visit to the Ilusia Kingdom, the world government urgently mobilized the fleet that was in Ban banrol at the time. This happened shortly after the Ban banrol incident, specifically after Vice Admiral Saul escaped from the Marines. The world government wanted to ensure the quickest possible response to annihilate Ohara! Shanks explained. Thats why the Ohara incident erupted shortly after the Ban banrol incident. Its because the fleet was actually transferred from Ban banrol!

Shanks words seemed to trigger traumatic memories in Robin. She began to tremble uncontrollably. Seeing this, Ian stood up, walked over, took her hand, and gently pulled her over to sit beside him, hoping it might provide her with some comfort.

Once they had resettled, Ian inquired, So, what exactly happened in Ban banrol?

Hmph, this matter traces back to the actions of King Thalassa Lucas of the Ilusia Kingdom at the time! Shanks began. Lucas was a typical tyrant. When the Celestial Dragons visited his country, in an attempt to leave a lasting impression on them, he came up with a rather unconventional idea. He devised a game to entertain the visiting Celestial Dragons.

Shanks took a deep breath and continued, This game was called Human Hunting.'

Whatwhat!? Ian was taken aback, almost thinking he had misheard.

As the name suggests, it involved using living humans as prey for the amusement of the Celestial Dragons! Shanks explained, clenching his fist as he did. The game allowed the Celestial Dragons to do as they pleased with the prey they capturedwhether it was flaying and roasting them or preserving them as specimens. And this gruesome hunting ground was set in Ban banrol!

When Ian heard Shanks words, his mind seemed to buzz, and he suddenly remembered the human specimens he had seen in the treasure vault of Mary Geoise. Back then, he had assumed those specimens were the result of slaves being executed, but now, hearing this revelation, he realized there was another source.

Furthermore, what about the roasting? Did that mean the Celestial Dragonsactually consumed human flesh?

The horrific and nightmarish news from Shanks stirred a surge of anger within Ian.

King Lucas of the Ilusia Kingdom was well aware that if this revelation came to light, his fate would be nothing short of gruesome, Shanks continued, his own fury barely contained. So, he spread the false story of an epidemic on Ban banrol and requested the Navys escort fleet to help seal off the island. The unsuspecting Navy fleet complied with his request.

However, the Navy had no inkling that, after they sealed Ban banrol, Celestial Dragons from three different families embarked on their inhumane game Shanks clenched his fists audibly. Nearly thousands of island residents fell victim to their sadistic whims. They spared neither women nor children, treating them all as mere playthings.

It was no longer just Ian and Robin absorbing Shanks account. Even the crew members of the Red-Haired Pirates gathered around, silently listening to Shanks narrative. In their minds, the harrowing scenes played out vividly, fueling their collective rage.

At that time, due to the visit of Celestial Dragons from three families, the Navy took this mission seriously and deployed seven Vice Admirals from the Marine Headquarters to protect them, accompanied by a substantial number of CP agents, Shanks continued after a pause. However, due to the subsequent events in Ohara, coupled with Vice Admiral Sauls escape to Ohara out of sympathy, only one Vice Admiral remained behind in the Ilusia Kingdom to protect the Celestial Dragons.

At this point, Shanks suddenly asked Ian, Do you know the revolutionary, Monkey D. Dragon?

Ian was momentarily taken aback but quickly nodded. He wondered why Shanks was suddenly bringing up his boss, Dragon.

However, the next words from Shanks left Ian utterly stunned.

The Vice Admiral who stayed behind at that time was none other than Dragon!

Updated from frš’†ewebnovš’†l.(c)om

