Super Card System - C.503: The Supernovas

Super Card System

C.503: The Supernovas

What Enel unleashed could be considered a scaled-down version of Mamaragan! Originally, he had planned to use the Ark Maxim alongside this ability, preparing a technique to destroy Skypiea Island. However, he didnt have the time to cover the entire Marineford in thunderclouds, so he could only release a smaller-scale attack.

Even so, it was still astonishing. When the lightning struck, several Marine warships anchored in the harbor were hit, instantly disintegrating in the flash of lightning. They erupted into roaring flames. Some of the lightning struck the sea, causing intense flashes across the entire surface. As for the unfortunate Marines struck by the lightning within the crowd, it was even more terrifying. Unfortunate soldiers hit by the lightning were instantly enveloped in black smoke, turning into charred figures on the ground.

The Marines gathered at the harbor were now in chaos, desperately running to avoid being struck by the incessantly falling lightning. They no longer had the intention to attack Ian and his crews ships; their priority was to save their lives.

Damn it, I didnt expect this long-eared guy that Ian brought with him to be so strong!

Seeing this scene, Sengokus heart sank.

Looking at the Ark Maxim rising to a height of over a hundred meters, the Marines were powerless at this point. Only the Vice Admirals among them could leap up there, but

What if that long-eared guy launches another Thunderball like this? And Ian, he might also take action against the Vice Admirals!

In such a critical moment, Sengoku didnt want to lose any more Marine strength, so he could only watch Ian and his crews ship flying higher and higher, stopping at a certain point in the sky and then changing direction to move forward.

We cant stop them! Our hands are tied Vice Admiral Tsuru remained relatively calm and said, We can only let them go!

Damn it! Ian that damn bastard!

Watching the chaotic scene at the harbor, Sengoku couldnt help but feel frustrated and said, Where is Aokiji? Wasnt he supposed to keep an eye on Ian? Why did this situation occur!?

A nervous Marine soldier raised his hand and reported, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, we have actually found Admiral Aokiji, but for some reason, hes been sleeping the whole time, and we cant seem to wake him up, no matter how hard we try

It was due to Matthews Sleep-Sleep Fruit, which forcibly imposed a ten-minute period of slumber. Unless the sleeping person was physically stimulated, they wouldnt wake up before the time elapsed. Even with all the commotion within the Marine base, they couldnt rouse him.

Perhaps giving him a good slap would do the trick, but the question was whether these ordinary Marine soldiers dared to attempt it.

Sengoku wasnt naive; he immediately realized that Aokiji had fallen under Ians manipulation.

Taking advantage of Admiral Kizarus departure from the island, Ian had done something to Aokiji, adding another layer to his escape plan. Upon closer examination, it was clear just how cunning Ian could be.

The reason for allowing Admiral Aokiji to fall asleep was to prevent him from using his Ice Age to freeze the entire harbor during the Jet Dial activation. The power of the Jet Dial was limited, and if the seawater froze the ships hull, it would likely prevent them from taking off.

Furthermore, if Admiral Kizaru had been present, his Glint-Glint Fruit powers possessed formidable anti-air capabilities. He could have potentially shot down the Ark Maxim after Ian and his crew had taken off.

Sengokus initial decision to have both of them monitor Ian was absolutely correct. With both of them in place, Ian would have had no way to escape from Marine Headquarters using the Ark Maxim. However, in their absence, even Admiral Sengoku couldnt stop him. It wasnt about the strength of the individuals; it was a matter of strategic advantage.

After realizing this, while he seethed with frustration, Sengoku also felt a sense of helplessness.

There were too many aspects he hadnt anticipated. Ian had planned his escape from Marine Headquarters from the very beginning, but he had kept all his contingencies and intentions hidden until the very last moment, leaving the Marines with no countermeasures

Hahaha! Vice Admiral Garp couldnt contain his laughter as he watched Ian and his crews ship disappear into the distance. He remarked, Who would have thought that our tactical genius, Sengoku, would be outsmarted by a mere kid!

Shut up, Garp! Sengoku retorted in irritation, shooting him an angry glare. This is not the time for your jokes!

Vice Admiral Tsuru stood with her arms crossed, asking Sengoku, What do we do next? You heard what he said at the end. He doesnt care about his Shichibukai title being revoked

Then lets revoke it! Sengoku clenched his fist with anger. His actions are a blatant provocation to the Marines.

Judging by the direction hes heading, its towards Saboady Archipelago, Tsuru contemplated, From what he mentioned, it seems like he wants to obtain the Pacifistas. Could it be that he heard some information and knows that Admiral Kizaru will take the Marine Science Unit to Saboady to test the Pacifistas? Is he planning to seize the Pacifistas for himself?

If its only that, it would be manageable, Sengoku grumbled. But what worries me the most right now is whether Ian has sensed something. Maybe its because I detained him, making him suspicious, and he has already guessed our intentions. He might be rushing back to help the Whitebeard Pirates!

Lets hope Admiral Kizaru captures him, Vice Admiral Tsuru suggested. We should also dispatch some additional personnel, as we dont know when Admiral Aokiji will awaken. Perhaps we can send him as well?

We have no other choice, Sengoku lamented.

While the situation within the Navy was complex, on Saboady Archipelago, not far from Marijoa, chaos also reigned.

Upon learning that someone had attacked the Celestial Dragons at the Human Auctioning House, the pirates on the entire Saboady Archipelago were now in a state of panic, desperately trying to escape the island.

The Marine Admirals were on the verge of arriving, and when things went awry, it would affect everyone on the island.

At the entrance of the Human Auction House, a large contingent of Marines had surrounded the area, engaged in intense combat with three pirate figures who resembled monsters.

Unsurprisingly, these three individuals were none other than Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates; Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid Pirates; and Trafalgar D. Water Law, captain of the Heart Pirates.

Eleven rookie pirates with bounties exceeding a hundred million were gathered on Saboady Archipelago, and after Luffy and his companions had caused a commotion within the auction house, they now joined forces to break out, having received information about the impending arrival of the Marine Admirals.

Perhaps out of a sense of rivalry, Luffy, Kid, and Law each demonstrated their respective Devil Fruit abilities to the Marine soldiers.

What was intriguing, however, was when Luffy saw Kids Magnet-Magnet Fruit, which allowed him to manipulate metal for attacks, he was taken aback and couldnt help but exclaim, Huh!? Why does your ability resemble my big brother Ians a bit?

Not only Luffy, but even Zoro and Nami, who had witnessed Ians Iron Sand Sword abilities, nodded in agreement upon hearing Luffys words, saying, It does seem somewhat similar!

Kid didnt quite grasp it, and he had no awareness of who Ian, his big brother might be. But Law, standing nearby, was taken aback and abruptly turned to Luffy, asking, Who did you just say?!

This is so familiar to big brother Ians ability! Luffy replied.

Ian!? Trafalgar Law, his face filled with astonishment, questioned, Ian, the Black Dragon Shichibukai!?

Yeah? You know him too! Luffy grinned foolishly.

However, before he could finish his laughter, Trafalgar Law suddenly grabbed his collar and demanded, You know Ian personally?! Tell me where he is!

Hey, what are you doing? Luffy shouted, Why are you grabbing my clothes?

Trafalgar Law released Luffy and composed himself. He said, Straw Hat, when you referred to Ian as big brother, it means you know him. Please, tell me where he is. Ive set sail just to find him.

But I dont know where he is! Luffy replied, He was adventuring with us for a while, but we parted ways later.

Think again This is crucial to me! Trafalgar Law urged.

However, before Luffy could respond, Kid suddenly interjected, I didnt expect you to know such a big guy. But excuse me for being blunt; now doesnt seem like the time to discuss this, does it? If you guys dont leave, Im out of here!

At this point, most of the Marines attacking them had been dealt with. The three pirate crews had originally planned to split up and make their escapes. However, it was at this moment that Trafalgar Law stated, Straw Hat, Im coming with you.

Zoro, gripping his swords hilt, added, Following us doesnt guarantee youll find Ian.

This is my business! Trafalgar Law asserted, I have to try!

So, Luffy and his crew reluctantly allowed Trafalgar Law to accompany them.

Not long after Luffy and his crew had dispersed, Admiral Kizaru had already arrived on Saboady Archipelago aboard a Marine warship. Following the explosion of a cannonball, Kizaru officially set foot on the island.

Upon landing, Kizaru reached for the black Den Den Mushi on his wrist, attempting to contact his nephew, Sentomaru.

However, at that very moment, another Den Den Mushi on his opposite wrist suddenly began ringing with a prup-prup sound.

Kizaru was taken aback, but when he answered the call, he heard the voice of Admiral Sengoku on the other end.

Upon learning that after his departure, Ian had taken the opportunity to escape from the Marine Headquarters and was flying towards Saboady Archipelago using an airship, Kizaru found himself at a loss for words.

He scratched his head, hesitating about whether he should first capture the pirates on the island or prepare to intercept Ian.

However, at that moment, a reckless pirate from afar suddenly fired a shot at Kizaru. The bullet pierced through Kizarus body but also helped him make up his mind.

He decided it was better to apprehend these lawless pirates first.

The power of the Glint-Glint Fruit erupted in the next moment. The pirate who attempted to ambush Kizaru was obliterated in an instant by Kizarus light Kick, and even the massive Yarukiman Mangrove nearby collapsed from the shockwave.

Kizarus overwhelming strength as a Marine Admiral made him virtually invincible.

As Kizaru advanced, he encountered various individuals along the way, hoping to inquire about his nephew, Sentomaru. Unfortunately, every pirate he met reacted with terror and launched attacks against him, refusing to answer his questions. This forced Kizaru to eliminate them one by one.

It wasnt until he encountered the first relatively composed individual that things changed.

Hawkins sat by the side of the road, performing divinations for himself. When Kizaru appeared and approached him with inquiries, the members of his pirate crew were filled with fear and attempted to drag Hawkins away.

However, Hawkins remained expressionless and said, Dont worry. I havent seen my own death today. On the contrary, Ive had a stroke of good fortune

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