This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.184: Business Trip


This surveillance video clip would later be shared online and discussed by people in the following days. People speculated that the owner of the vehicle behind the Maserati must have been blessed by their ancestors, while the Maserati's owner was surely a kind person!

Chu Yang and Chi Yan returned home after having dinner outside. As soon as they arrived, Chu Yang took out a suitcase and packed Chi Yan's belongings for his business trip, including shirts, suits, and some essential medications since it was an official trip.

"Where's your lucky charm?" Chu Yang had noticed Chi Yan's lucky charm on the table earlier.

Chi Yan opened a drawer and took it out. Chu Yang placed it in the suitcase too. "Remember to bring it with you next time." Her boyfriend sometimes had a streak of misfortune.

Chi Yan felt warm in his heart at Chu Yang's caring gesture. "Okay!"

Since it was only a two-day trip, he didn't need to pack much; a single suitcase was sufficient.

"Will anyone be accompanying you on this trip?"

"Yes, there will be several others."

"Then it should be fine."

Chi Yan had an early morning flight the next day, so when he tried to get frisky that night, Chu Yang flatly rejected him. "Go to sleep now! You need to wake up early tomorrow. You won't have energy if you don't sleep well. Look, your abs have even become looser lately due to your busy schedule."

Chi Yan: ...

Chi Yan touched his abs, and indeed, they seemed to have loosened somewhat. This wouldn't do; how could he seduce his girlfriend without well-defined abs?

"I'll go to sleep right away. I'll make sure to take time to work out in the future."

Chu Yang said, "It's alright. I understand that it's normal for people to lose their physique when they're busy with work. As long as you don't become a greasy, pot-bellied man while you're still young, it's fine." The thought of Chi Yan becoming a greasy, pot-bellied man made Chu Yang shudder. "No, you still have to make an effort to never become a greasy, pot-bellied man for the rest of your life."

The idea of becoming a greasy, pot-bellied man made Chi Yan shudder as well. "I'll definitely make an effort to work out whenever I have time!" Even if not for Chu Yang, he wouldn't allow himself to become like that.

The two whispered softly to each other, and before long, the sound of talking in the room was replaced by the sound of their breathing as they fell asleep.

The next day, around 5 a.m., Chi Yan got up quietly, washed up, made two sandwiches, leaving one for Chu Yang, changed his clothes, kissed his girlfriend goodbye, and then left with his suitcase. Lu Shu and the driver were already waiting for him.

At 8 a.m., Chu Yang woke up to find Chi Yan already gone. When she went to the kitchen, she saw the note Chi Yan had left on the table.

After getting ready, she went to school, but she didn't drive as her car was too conspicuous on campus.

After landing, Chi Yan sent Chu Yang a message to update her on his itinerary. He had arrived in Cangrong City, and as Chu Yang had informed him the previous day, it was raining all day in that city. Sure enough, it was drizzling outside the airport when he exited, and Chu Yang had thoughtfully prepared an umbrella for him.

However, he didn't need it at the moment, as the people who came to pick him up had everything prepared.

Meanwhile, Chu Yang was diligently attending classes, occasionally glancing out the window and thinking about Chi Yan, who was on a business trip, hoping that everything would go smoothly for him.

After classes ended at 3 p.m., Chu Yang planned to do some cleaning since the weather was nice for the next couple of days. She changed the bedsheets, pillowcases, and other linens. As she removed the pillowcases, she recalled the online claims that men tend to be dirtier than women and indeed found a noticeable difference when she compared her pillowcase to Chi Yan's.

She tossed all the old linens into the washing machine to be cleaned, then proceeded with the rest of the cleaning. She tidied up the kitchen and reorganized the refrigerator as well.

When she was almost done, the washing machine should have finished its cycle too. Chu Yang walked over, but the floor was still a bit wet and slippery after cleaning. She lost her footing and slipped, hitting the ground with a thud. She banged her head on the floor, though thankfully without drawing blood, but it was painful, and she briefly flashed back to a memory fragment.

Her bottom also hurt, and the back of her pants was wet.

Chu Yang sat up, rubbing her head, and crawled over to the sofa. She felt her head, which seemed to be swelling slightly, but her plump bottom had cushioned the fall to some extent.

After resting for a while, Chu Yang recollected the resurfaced memory, realizing that her memories were slowly starting to come back, though she didn't know why. It was a positive development nonetheless.

She applied some muscle rub to the swollen area, let it soothe for a bit, and then went to check on the laundry. After taking the clean clothes out to dry, she ordered takeout for dinner as she didn't feel like cooking alone.

At 10 p.m., Chi Yan video called her. On the screen, he was wearing a robe, his hair slightly damp as he dried it with a towel.

Chu Yang told him about her fall. "Look, it's swollen here." As she spoke, she nearly teared up, perhaps because the restored memory made her feel more familiar with Chi Yan, and being in front of her boyfriend made her feel somewhat vulnerable.

Chi Yan leaned closer to the camera, concerned. "Does it hurt? I can have someone deliver some medicine for you to apply."

Chu Yang replied, "No need, I have some at home and have already applied it. I just wanted to let you know."

Chi Yan breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't do any chores next time. Wait for me to come back, or I can arrange for a maid to help out. You just stay put at home from now on."

Chu Yang said, "I was just stretching my muscles a bit. Alright, I'll be more careful next time. By the way, how was your day?"

"We've been in meetings all day. I had some alcohol with dinner tonight, but don't worry, I didn't drink too much." In fact, he had drunk a bit more than he let on, but his alcohol tolerance was decent.

Chu Yang stared at the screen intently. "Then you should get some proper rest..." She trailed off as she noticed a dark aura emanating from Chi Yan's back.

"Step away from the camera! Let me see your full body!" Chu Yang suddenly turned serious.

Caught off guard, Chi Yan quickly complied, standing up. "What's wrong?"

Chu Yang watched as the dark aura around Chi Yan grew more intense. She grabbed a nearby crystal ball and started divining.

"Don't open the door for anyone at all costs, and if there's a stranger, remember to call the police! Call the police immediately! That person is not good, I'm on my way to you right now. Understood?" Chu Yang warned.

Although Chi Yan didn't know why, he still nodded, "Okay."

Chu Yang didn't even take his luggage, he directly booked the nearest flight ticket, and rushed to the airport in haste.

On the other side, Chi Yan was resting in bed. He actually remembered his previous memories, but he didn't know why he had amnesia. He also didn't know that he had died once before. He only knew that when he went to find Chu Yang, it seemed like he saw a lot of monsters, and there was also Zhu Ying. Afterwards, it seemed like he passed out, and then he didn't know anything after that.

Chi Yan fell into a daze and fell asleep, then suddenly woke up with a start. Someone was knocking on the door. Chi Yan suddenly remembered Chu Yang's words, he carefully got out of bed, and peeked through the peephole, it was a man...

