This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.205: High School Days


Chu Luo started school early, as high school students have a heavy study load. This time, Chu Yang again let him go to school on his own. Once again, she ran into Chu Luo's roommates, who all politely called her "big sister" this and that. It felt quite nice!

Looking at these vibrant young people, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic for her own high school days.

In the evening after returning home, Chu Yang asked Chi Yan, "What was your high school life like? Did you wake up at 6 AM and go to bed at 10 PM? Or did you go to school around 7 or 8 AM and finish classes after 5 PM? Oh, it must have been the latter, right? I remember you went to one of those expensive high schools."

Chi Yan did indeed attend a very expensive high school. The Mingxi High School he attended was known as an elite private school. Students wore beautiful uniforms, and every morning around 7 AM, a driver would take him to school, then pick him up around 5 PM in the afternoon. They had classes five days a week, with weekends off.

"Although we finished school early, we still had to study other subjects after returning home," he said. His family had hired tutors, so he wasn't exactly relaxed. He also had various classes on weekends, and this routine had started since kindergarten. It only ended when he entered university.

Chu Yang exclaimed, "Wow! So were your courses very different from regular high schools?"

"Not that different. We still had Chinese, Math, English, and the like. Those interested in arts had other types of art classes. The focus was just a bit different."

Chu Yang understood - it was elite education after all. freewēbnoveℓ.com

"Look at you, already a big shot in university. Were you also popular in high school? Was there something like an F4 group?" Chu Yang was curious, as this seemed like the kind of high school often depicted in romance novels.

Chi Yan was indeed popular in high school, but he only had a close circle of friends. Yuan Zhi was part of his group. There wasn't an F4, but there was something like an F10 - the top 10 most handsome guys in school.

But telling Chu Yang about this seemed a bit embarrassing, so Chi Yan just said, "Ahem, no, there wasn't an F4."

Chu Yang was skeptical: "Really? Even universities have campus heartthrobs. Weren't you one in high school?"

Chi Yan felt a bit shy: "Well, yes, but it wasn't that dramatic." In fact, it was quite dramatic. He had received enough love letters during his three years of high school to fill several garbage bags, but he never read a single one. At that time, he disdained such things. He had a heavy study load and didn't have the energy to focus on romance. He'd rather participate in academic competitions, which at least interested him somewhat.

"Did you receive love letters and such? Oh, I'm sure people confessed to you! Did you have any close female friends?" Chu Yang asked out of curiosity.

Chi Yan immediately replied, "No! I didn't have any close female friends. I didn't hang out with girls back then. You're the first girl I've ever been close to."

Chu Yang laughed at this, "Don't be so nervous, I'm just curious. It's fine if you didn't, but you must have received love letters, right?"

On the video call, Chi Yan rubbed his nose, "There were some, but I never read them. Back then, I only cared about studying!" He insisted he was a good student!

"That's nice, youth indeed!" Chu Yang thought about her own youth, which consisted of nothing but solving problems. Well, everyone's youth is different after all.

"Next time, I'll take you to see my school. It's quite beautiful," Chi Yan offered.

"Sure, that sounds great."

Chi Yan smiled, even thinking about getting a set of high school uniforms for Chu Yang to try on. He cleared his throat, finding the idea quite appealing...

"By the way, I'm coming back on the 8th. You don't need to pick me up, I'll take the high-speed train myself. You have work, don't take time off. I'll call you when I arrive," Chu Yang shared her plan. fĐłeeđ‘€ebÉłoveÉ­.cĂžm

Chi Yan checked the date, which was after the Lantern Festival. "Alright, I'll have someone clean the house first." After Chu Yang left, he had been staying at the family home to keep his family company. He decided he'd move back to the Forest Garden Community a couple of days before Chu Yang's return.


Before returning to school, Chu Yang took her parents for a medical check-up. The results came back the next day, showing no major issues, just some high uric acid and slightly elevated blood pressure.

"Don't work too hard, rest when you're tired. Health is the most important thing. Don't earn money at the expense of your health, it's not worth it, okay?" Chu Yang advised her parents.

"Dad, don't smoke so much, and go easy on the alcohol. Mom, use the skincare products I bought you every day. Eat whatever you want at home, don't try to save money. Money isn't saved by skimping."

Chu's Dad and Chu's Mom nodded continuously as they listened to their daughter's nagging. "We know, we know. Don't worry, we've got it under control."

An Auntie standing nearby overheard their conversation and said to Chu's Mom, "Your daughter is so filial! You two are truly blessed! Who says only sons are good? I think daughters are just as wonderful."

Chu's Mom beamed with happiness, "Yes, indeed. My daughter is the most capable and the best."

Chu's Dad nodded in agreement.

The Auntie asked, "How old is your daughter? Does she have a boyfriend? Such a good girl must be in high demand."

Chu's Mom replied, "She's still in university, but she already has a boyfriend."

"Oh my, a university student! You really are fortunate!" the Auntie exclaimed again.

Chu's Mom was so happy she could barely contain herself. She chatted with the Auntie like old friends, and they even exchanged WeChat contacts.

Chu Yang: ...

Since Chu's Dad and Chu's Mom were fine, Chu Yang packed her luggage and prepared to return to school.

On the day of her return, Chu's Dad drove Chu Yang to town, from where she took transport to the train station. This journey was pleasant, with no screaming children or impolite passengers.

She arrived at the Forest Garden Community around 3 PM. As she pulled her suitcase into the complex, she called Chi Yan: "Mm-hmm, I've arrived. Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

After hanging up, Chu Yang opened the door and collapsed on the sofa to rest. Chi Yan's suit was still on the sofa, and there was a cup on the table, clear signs that he had stayed here the night before.

Chu Yang first went into the bedroom to pack her luggage. As she glanced at the bed, she spotted something lying there. "Ahhhh! Chi Yan, you pervert!"

With a flushed face, Chu Yang quickly grabbed the clothes from the bed and tossed them into the washing machine. She then examined her hands, then looked back at the washing machine. There shouldn't be any strange liquids, right?

No, there wasn't anything on her hands. If there had been, she would have beaten Chi Yan to death tonight!

Chu Yang took a moment to calm herself down. As she continued packing, she remembered the clothes Chi Yan had put in her suitcase earlier. She seemed to have forgotten to bring them. Oh well! That guy had plenty of clothes; he wouldn't miss one set!

