This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.210: Internship 02


Chu Yang and Jin Yang were assigned as interns to the administrative department, which required them to wear formal attire. Chu Yang already had formal clothes, as she occasionally needed them for school competitions and speeches.

However, to her surprise, when she returned to the Forest Garden Community, someone arrived at her door with several suit options in hand.

"These are custom-made, ordered by Mr. Chi," they explained.

"Thank you very much," Chu Yang replied.

After they left, Chu Yang took out the clothes from the bag. There were two sets each in black, white, gray, and gray-white, all perfectly coordinated. She tried on one set, and it fit perfectly.

Chu Yang wondered to herself: When did he arrange this?

That evening, Chi Yan returned home and provided the answer: "I prepared them after speaking with the HR department last time." He was determined to be involved in every step of Yang's future life!

"You start your internship next Monday, right? Will you be going with me?" he asked.

Chu Yang shook her head. "No, I'm going with my classmates from school."

Chi Yan looked disappointed. "I see."

Chu Yang patted his head. "I'll go with my classmates on the first day, then I can go with you from the second day onward."

Chi Yan's face immediately brightened. "Great!"

The opportunity to intern at Chi Corporation Headquarters was quite exciting. Five students from their class were going, including Chu Yang and Jin Yang in the administrative department, while the other three were assigned to different departments. They would all be handling fairly simple tasks.

On Monday morning at 9 AM, Chu Yang, Jin Yang, and the others arrived at the company on time. Their department supervisor led them to their assigned positions. They then proceeded to get their security cards, computers, office supplies, meal cards, and other essentials.

There was also a special training session to familiarize them with the company's organizational structure, social responsibilities, and other key information. They were even given a small booklet introducing the company.

At lunchtime, someone guided them to the cafeteria.

"This food is amazing!" Jin Yang exclaimed between mouthfuls.

Chu Yang, also eating heartily, nodded in agreement. "It really is excellent." Chi Yan hadn't exaggerated. The entire floor was dedicated to the cafeteria, with numerous food stations offering a variety of cuisines. They could choose whatever they wanted, and best of all, it was free. Their meal cards had already been loaded with credit.

After lunch, Chi Yan sent her a message: "Want to come up to my office? I'm on the 29th floor."

Chu Yang declined, "It's better if we don't meet on the first day."

Chi Yan replied with a sad emoji.

Chu Yang reassured him, "We'll go home together after work."

Chi Yan responded with a happy emoji.

At noon, they took a nap at their desks until 2 PM. In the afternoon, their supervisor gave them some documents to study and then left them to their own devices. With little to do, everyone in the office chatted amongst themselves. freёweɓ

They discussed topics like makeup, lipstick, and which restaurants had the best food.

"Your bag is so pretty! Where did you get it?" one of the girls suddenly noticed Chu Yang's bag.

Chu Yang smiled, "Thank you. It was a gift from my boyfriend. I'm not sure where he bought it."

"Wow!" The others exclaimed enviously upon hearing Chu Yang's response.

"Your boyfriend is so thoughtful. Young love is sweet indeed."

"I can't believe you already have a boyfriend. But then again, you're so pretty, you must have many admirers."

Jin Yang was trying to suppress her laughter, wondering how these people would react if they knew Chu Yang's boyfriend was none other than Chi Yan from their company.

"My boyfriend is quite pragmatic. He never buys me gifts, he just gives me money," one girl chimed in.

"At least yours gives you money. Some guys don't want to spend a penny and even expect you to pay for them. It's so off-putting," another added.

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Oh, it's time for afternoon tea! Let's go grab some snacks," one of the girls announced, checking her watch and standing up.

Jin Yang exclaimed, "We even get afternoon tea? This company is amazing!"

The girl smiled proudly, "Of course! Chi Corporation is known for having top-notch employee benefits in the industry. Are you interested in joining our company after graduation?"

Jin Yang nodded enthusiastically, "Absolutely, if possible!"

"Well then, work hard!" the girl encouraged.

"I will!" Jin Yang replied.

After spending half an hour on afternoon tea, it felt like they hadn't accomplished much all day. But then again, there wasn't much to do on the first day.

Soon, it was time to leave work, and everyone gradually packed up and headed out. Chu Yang and Jin Yang took the elevator down together. As they descended, Chu Yang whispered to Jin Yang, "I'm going home with Chi Yan later. You can head back first."

Jin Yang gave her an OK sign, then took the subway back to school after reaching the ground floor.

Chu Yang waited at a different exit for Chi Yan, who soon pulled up in his car.

"How was your first day as an intern?" he asked.

"Not bad. Feels like we didn't do much today, just ate a lot. The cafeteria food is indeed excellent. The braised pork ribs were delicious."

"I know, right? I love those too. The oil-braised prawns are also fantastic. You should try them tomorrow."

"I will!"

The next day, Chi Yan drove Chu Yang to work. He had even deliberately chosen clothes that matched Chu Yang's color scheme.

"You can drop me off at the corner," Chu Yang said, not wanting to be seen by too many people.

"Alright," Chi Yan agreed reluctantly.

When Chu Yang arrived, Jin Yang was already there. "Why are you here so early?" Chu Yang asked.

Jin Yang, munching on a small bun, replied, "The cafeteria serves breakfast, so I came early to eat. The breakfast here is really good, and most importantly, it's free. Want one?" She offered a bun to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang took a bite and nodded, "It's delicious."

"Right?" Jin Yang agreed.

Soon, everyone else started arriving.

There wasn't much to do today either. They helped create some spreadsheets, moved a few things around, and tidied up the conference room. It was all fairly simple work, and they spent the rest of the time gossiping with the pretty female colleagues in the office.

At lunchtime, after Chu Yang and Jin Yang finished eating, Chu Yang received another message from Chi Yan: "I'm by the stairwell on your floor. Want to meet up?"

The stairwell was usually deserted. Chu Yang told Jin Yang she was going to the bathroom and then slipped away to the stairs.

The stairwell was dimly lit, giving the encounter a clandestine feel.

When Chi Yan saw Chu Yang approach, he immediately pulled her into his arms. "I missed you," he said, having sneaked away to see her.

Chu Yang pushed him away slightly. "We just saw each other this morning."

"I still missed you," Chi Yan murmured, nuzzling her neck.

He took off his jacket and placed it on the stairs. "Come, let's sit."

The two sat on the stairs, whispering to each other. "How's work today?" Chi Yan asked softly.

Chu Yang thought it was fine, "Pretty relaxed, nothing major going on. Are you busy?"

"Busy, but manageable," he replied. He had attended three consecutive meetings in the morning and had more meetings scheduled for the afternoon.

Chu Yang gently massaged his temples, "Remember to rest even when you're busy. When you go back later, make sure to get some good rest first."

"Mm-hmm," he nodded.

Chi Yan leaned into her embrace, closing his eyes. As he breathed in her scent, he felt much of his fatigue melt away and started to feel a bit drowsy.

They were sitting in the stairwell on the upper floor when suddenly, the door to the lower floor opened. Someone entered the stairwell below and was about to make a phone call.

"Hello? Give me some time, I'll definitely get it for you guys. It's just that the money..."

Hearing this, Chi Yan's eyes snapped open instantly, exchanging a significant look with Chu Yang.

