Incompatible Interspecies Wives - C.96: No Favoritism (2)

Incompatible Interspecies Wives

C.96: No Favoritism (2)

Starting the next day, we began preparations to return to Stockpin.

The minor matters of negotiation with the other mercenary groups that were not concluded the day before were easily wrapped up at dawn.

The vice-captains did not show up until the last day.

With this, the annoying tasks were finally settled.

The long and pointless power struggles of the mercenary meeting were over.

Now, it was time to head back home.

Haa... Haa...

I looked at the members who had collapsed from the intense training.

I couldnt deny that my actions might have caused some laxness in the troops.

As such, I had put in extra effort today, and everyone followed suit admirably.

Thus, I finished the training session, rubbing the wound on my neck left by Ner. think it would be like this even today...

Shawn grumbled about the tough training, and I couldnt help but let out a snicker.

I stretched out the aches from past fights.

As I was finishing up, I felt a gaze on the side of my face.

Turning towards it, I saw Arwin crouched on a slightly raised hill, resting her chin in her hand, watching us.


Although she was a noble... perhaps it was her changed attire and backdrop that were the reasons.

She gave off the vibe of a simple country girl.

The only thing preserving her noble dignity was that consistently cold expression.

Somehow, I felt a greater sense of intimacy.


Noticing Arwins gaze, a few other members also spoke to me.

Vice-captain, your wife is watching over you.

One by one, they started to look toward me and Arwin.

I casually smiled and waved at Arwin.

She noticed my reaction and gave a subtle response.

As someone not prone to large displays of emotion, today, she was even more subdued.

She barely lifted her hand supporting her chin, indifferently acknowledging my greeting.

It seemed like a gesture of disinterest.


I wasnt particularly upset about it... but I was puzzled by the change.

Above all, I was beginning to worry, as she didnt seem to be in the best of moods.

What had happened again?

And it seemed I was not the only one who felt it.

Baran, having caught his breath, spoke to me from the side.

...She doesnt seem to be in a particularly good mood.


Did you have a fight?


While I was echoing Barans confusion, Arwin got up and turned away.

Then she disappeared over the hill.

I scratched the wound on my cheek and told the members.

Clean up and get ready to head back.


Arwin had left Berg and returned to the campsite.

Sitting there, she spotted Ner wandering around the camp.

Ner seemed to have grown accustomed to this mercenary group; she showed no signs of discomfort.

Rather, she responded to the greetings from mercenaries and acted like one of the members.

The occasional graceful smile as she looked around was an added charm.

In the past, she wouldnt have shown such a natural smile.

It was a relief she didnt seem to be struggling with the current situation... but why?

Today, it was hard to catch a glimpse of her smiling face.

Perhaps it was because of the new wound on her neck.

A gruesome scar now marred her flawless skin.

A red and black wound bloomed atop a blue bruise.

It was Bergs bite mark.

The stark contrast between her delicate skin and the hideous scar drew more attention.

It was like an ink stain on a white piece of paper.


It was almost as if she was wearing a name tag.

Didnt she know shame?

It was as if she was accepting the defilement of her body.

But Ner, seemingly unashamed of the mark, displayed the scar as though it were a badge of honor.

A faint smile never quite left her lips.


Arwin let out a sigh.

In truth, she knew why all of this felt so dreary.

She just found it hard to admit.

The root of the problem seemed to be Bergs recent undivided attention on Ner.

Once that thought had etched itself into her mind, everything else felt unsatisfactory.

The fight had been for Ner. While insults were occasionally thrown her way too, Arwin knew the main reason was Ner. Her own advice against fighting had been ignored.

Only the two of them left traces on their necks. Conversations were mainly held between the two of them.

Lately, he hadnt taught her archery. She didnt have a chance to teach him to read and write.

...Even the ring that signified their union was worn only on his right hand, despite them being equals in marriage.

Beyond everything else, this unequal treatment didnt sit well with her.

Could it be called an insult?

She didnt want to care, but she couldnt help it.

...When they only had 60 years to spend together.

...So short.

Arwin thought to herself unknowingly.

She blinked, surprised at her own inner thoughts, and shook her head, trying to dismiss them.

From a distance, Ner, having spotted her, slowly approached.

Did you sleep well?

Ner greeted her.


Arwin didnt respond immediately.

She had spent the night alone.

It was cold.

Without Bergs warmth, without intertwined fingers.

And yet she was asked if she had slept well.

...I slept fine.

But Arwin, with a forced smile, accepted Ners greeting.

With a shy face, Ner fiddled with her wound.

Arwin couldnt understand why she wore such an expression.

Especially when she was preparing for betrayal.

Have you seen Berg?

After a brief silence, Ner asked.

Arwin knew Berg was over the hill, conducting his training, but... she shook her head.

No? I havent seen him.

She then casually surveyed the surroundings.

Everyone was busy preparing to return to the Stockpin.

No one paid them any mind.

And during such personal moments like these... there was only one topic that should come to the fore.

Arwin looked up at Ner.

Perhaps it was time to inquire about what lay beneath her surface.


Ner settled herself near Arwin.

She planned to wait for Bergs return.

Unconsciously, she touched the wound Berg had left her.

Strangely, the scar throbbed.

Each time she touched it, she recalled Berg biting down hard, and her body became hot at the memory.

The pain she felt then, and the emotions she experienced while embracing his neck, were vivid.

...Youre more promiscuous than I thought, Ner.

In that moment, Arwin whispered.

Ner was momentarily too shocked to respond.

Arwin continued.

Its not even your mating season yet, is it? The full moon hasnt even come, has it?


Ner was taken aback by Arwins sharp comment.

Wasnt it the full moon?

...She had been sure it was her mating season yesterday.

Then why couldnt she stop herself?

Ner didnt ponder too deeply on it.

It was already in the past.

Yet, she made an excuse.

...I had to do at least this much for Berg. He was hurt fighting for me.

If your destined one were to see that wound, he wouldnt be too pleased.


Ner closed her mouth at Arwins words.

She wanted to tell her not to worry.

That she didnt mind spending more time with Berg recently. In fact, she wanted to be with him. If Arwin disliked Berg, Ner was fine with Arwin not to share a bed with him. She would take care of it.

But... the sight of that medicine bottle bothered her.

The psychological distance that had arisen from discovering that bottle prevented her from being honest.

This kind of awkward conversation was also likely to have contributed to it.

As her feelings for Berg deepened, the more threatening Arwin, who had spoken of Bergs death, seemed to become.

The less she understood Arwins true intentions, the less she could reveal her own.

Perhaps it was a habit of nobility.

...And just in case.

If that bottle contained poison, and if Arwin intended to use it.

It would not be a wise choice to make an enemy of her.

It was easier to listen to her intentions up close.

Hadnt they said to keep your enemies closer?

But even if none of this were true, Ner now preferred to be sparing with her words.

She didnt want to share the emotions she held with Berg, not even with Arwin.

They were precious and personal thoughts.

After all, the unfamiliar emotions she felt around him were indescribable.

Thank you for your concern.

So Ner replied.

She then looked at Arwin.

Her curiosity about what was inside her grew.

What was that medicine bottle for?

She had stolen it, but Arwin had not shown any sign of noticing its absence.

As if she was unaware it was gone.

Perhaps it wasnt a liquid commonly sought after.

With that, Ners curiosity only grew.

Seizing the opportunity, she decided to ask casually.

...So, Arwin-nim.


...What about you? Have you thought about where you might travel after Bergs death?


Arwin fell silent.

After a long pause, she replied.

...Out of the blue?

Isnt it a future that is, by your standards, fast approaching?

She floated the question with a double meaning.

Arwin rested her chin on her hand and responded nonchalantly.

...Time doesnt fly any faster for me.


Arwin didnt step into any traps.

Whether she had no intention to or was simply adept at avoiding them was unclear.

A subtle tension filled the air.

The topic of conversation seemed unchanged, but the atmosphere had shifted.

Ner realized the moment to end the conversation was near.

It was never a topic meant for a lengthy discussion, to begin with.

Ner let out a long sigh and stood up from her seat.

Arwin-nim, Ill see you later.

With that, she bid her farewell.

Arwin nodded in response.

Yeah. See you later.

The End of The Chapter

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