Super Card System - C.457: Wrath of the Heavens

Super Card System

C.457: Wrath of the Heavens

Clearly, the masked Skypiean had startled Nami. She had been captivated by Ians reaction, her attention entirely consumed by him, oblivious to the sudden appearance of another individual behind her.

Startled, she quickly dropped her Clima-Tact and went straight to the island, running towards Ian.

Ian was worried that the Skypiean might attack Nami, so he kept a close eye on him. However, there were no signs of him making a move until Nami hid behind Ian.

Who are you? Ian asked the motionless Skypiean, taking the initiative to inquire.

He hes a Shandia warrior! The pirate seeking refuge behind Ian spoke up before the Skypiean had a chance to respond.

Of course, Ian knew what the Shandia warriors were. It was the name of the resistance organization of the Skypieans. What intrigued Ian now was whether this person was the leader of the Shandia warriors, the descendant of the great warrior Wyper!

So Ian asked, Can you take off your mask?

However, the person completely ignored Ians question and instead pointed at the pirate behind him, saying, Blue Sea dweller, your prowess is undeniably impressive. However, if you wish to stay alive, its best to abandon that guy! Anyone who attempts to escape will be pursued by the priests. However, since you have already defeated the priests, Enel will take action next!

No Please! I beg you! Upon hearing these words, the pirate immediately knelt on the ground and grabbed onto Ians trousers, begging, Please, dont leave me behind! Please, for the sake of our kinship, take me away from here!

In truth, even without his plea, Ian couldnt fathom abandoning the pirate. Although this person was a pirate, and possibly a heinous one, if Ians guess was correct, this pirate might be one of the people captured to construct Enels Ark, the Maxim Ian had questions to ask him, so he couldnt let him die.

Therefore, Ian planned to comfort him and put his mind at ease.

However, at that moment, a sense of danger suddenly descended from above. Ian didnt even have time to think about it. He grabbed Nami with one hand and the pirate with the other, swiftly moving to the side.

The next second, a giant lightning bolt, illuminating the sky, struck down directly at the spot where Ian had been standing just seconds ago.

The bright light from the lightning temporarily blinded Nami and the pirate, rendering them unaware of what had just happened.

Such is the nature of lightningan ephemeral force that emerges with swiftness and dissipates with equal haste. The thunderous impact upon the earth soon faded, leaving behind naught but a colossal crater and fragments of charred branches.

It took Nami a while before her vision recovered. She asked Ian in confusion, What What just happened?

Ian didnt answer her. Instead, he looked up at the sky. He knew that the lightning strike just now was unleashed by Enel, but he wasnt present here. The lightning strike was emitted from a great distance.

It seemed that Enels claim of having a Mantra capable of covering the entire island was true!

The term Mantra referred to Enels unique ability to perceive and utilize Observation Haki. However, it was a rather peculiar case. Due to the nature of his Goro Goro no Mi Devil Fruit, his Observation Haki had transformed into a form akin to telepathya fusion of Observation Haki and electric impulses.

He could hear the inner thoughts and emotions of everyone on the island. Whether it was fear, joy, or anger, he could discern it all.

It was somewhat reminiscent of mind reading, although he couldnt grasp every single thought with absolute clarity. However, he could deduce the general intentions of others with a high degree of accuracy.

The reason he had attacked the spot where Ian was located was undoubtedly because he had sensed their thoughts and, perhaps, because he had detected the disappearance of the three priests thoughts.

However Ian couldnt help but glance at the pirate he held tightly in his grasp, wondering if Enels intended target was this man.

Annihilate anyone who dared to flee.

Unfortunately, Ian was also utilizing his own Kenbunshoku Haki. So, when danger loomed, he swiftly evaded the attack, taking Nami and the pirate along with him.

The lightning strike from earlier had contained immense power, but it had been in vain. Ian couldnt predict if Enel would attempt another attack after realizing his previous attempt had failed.

Ians eyes shifted from Nami to the pirate, pondering his next move. His decision was clearhe would ensure Namis safety by sending her back.

Ian was still unfamiliar with the circumstances of this forbidden territory in the Sky Island. Despite defeating three priests here, he couldnt easily locate Enel unless he chose to reveal himself. If Enel continued to employ long-range lightning strikes intermittently, Ian couldnt guarantee the safety of both himself and Nami.

Therefore, Ian decided to send Nami back for now. As for the pirate, Ian intended to take him along. After all, this pirate had managed to navigate the treacherous terrain of the forbidden territory on his own. It was evident that he possessed knowledge of the area. Ian planned to have him draw a map of the territory, saving him the trouble of aimlessly wandering around.

Namis face had turned deathly pale, still shaken by the recent lightning strike. The attack had come so swiftly that, if it werent for Ians presence, she believed she might have been struck. Observing the charred crater, it seemed no less devastating than the blast of fire unleashed by Ian earlier. If she had been directly hit, she might not have survived.

The brush with death had etched itself deep within her spirit, leaving Nami shaken and vulnerable, her tremors a testament to the near-catastrophe she had narrowly evaded.

The feeling of narrowly escaping death was unsettling, and Nami was still trembling from the experience. The same applied to the pirate who had also understood the significance of the lightning that had just struck it was the work of the god Enel!

In response to the situation, Ian took Nami into his arms and leaped off the edge of the forbidden zone, landing on the Waver, their small boat. He gently placed her down and said, Youve witnessed it firsthand. This place is more dangerous than I anticipated. You should go back and inform the others. Tell them to wait for me on the island. If I find the gold, Ill hurry back.

Although her tremors persisted, Nami nodded in silent agreement, acknowledging the prudence of Ians advice, Alright Big brother Ian, be careful. she murmured, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Though she was still trembling, her instinct to operate the Waver kicked in. Determined to escape from the forbidden land, Nami accelerated the boat at full speed, swiftly leaving the area behind.

Ian returned to the forbidden zone and looked up at the sky, his gaze fixed, anticipating a possible lightning strike. However, strangely enough, the expected second strike never came.

It seemed that Enel intended for him to continue moving forward

As for Ian, his arrival on the Sky Island bore no personal vendetta against Enel. He had come to this Sky Island with the sole intention of finding the hidden treasure. But Enels appearance, along with his priests and the pirate being pursued, reminded him of something alarming. Damn it, the timing seemed off. Enels ark seemed close to completion, and once it was finished, he would destroy the entire Sky Island!

Ian was currently on this Sky Island, which meant that if it were destroyed, he would plummet from this ten-thousand-meter-high altitude as well!

Although Ian could fly and falling wouldnt pose much danger to him, the same couldnt be said for Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and the rest of his friends. Their fate would be sealed, crushed under the weight of their fall.

For that reason, Ian realized that he couldnt just let Enel show off and run away. At the very least, he couldnt allow him to destroy the island

It seemed that a confrontation with Enel was inevitable.


Meanwhile, as Nami headed back, Luffy, Zoro, and the others on Angel Island were also encountering trouble.

Due to their failure to pay at the Gates of Heaven, the White Berets, the security force of Angel Island, came to arrest Luffy and his crew on charges of illegal entry. As accomplices, Reiju and Robin were also among those being apprehended.

And just at that moment, Nami returned.

When she heard that the White Berets wanted to increase the fine for everyone, Nami, consumed by anger, rode on the waver and rammed into the captain of the White Berets, knocking him down.

As a result, their charges became even more severe. Due to the assault on government officials, the captain of the White Berets announced that they would be subjected to the Cloud Drifting Punishment.

Then the entire White Berets force was defeated by Robin single-handedly!

She didnt want to listen to the White Berets blabbering. She noticed that Nami had returned alone, and Ian was nowhere to be seen.

After giving the White Berets a thorough beating, she asked Nami about what had happened.

Anxiety clung to Namis voice as she recounted the events that transpired in the Forbidden Area. The treasure, the unknown enemies, and the mysterious lightning strike all of it stirred an indescribable fervor within Luffy.

Forbidden Area? Gold? Treasure? Unknown enemies?

Like a wild creature catching the scent of adventure, Luffys eyes ignited with an irrepressible flame, a flame that burned with the undying spirit of the pirate king

Meanwhile, on the distant fringes of the Sky Island, nestled within the enigmatic Cloud Concealment Village of the Shandians, the masked Shandian who had encountered Ian in the Forbidden Area appeared.

Now, after entering the village, he took off his mask. Lighting a cigarette, he carried his bazooka and walked toward the depths of the village.

His face and arms were adorned with intricate tattoos, and he exuded a fierce aura. As Ian had guessed, this man was indeed a warrior of the Shandians, known as Berserker Wyper.

The Shandians in the village greeted him as he passed by, but Wyper walked on with a cold expression, not responding much.

When he arrived at the central tent of the village, he entered and spoke to an old man wearing a wolf-headed cap, Chief, I think our opportunity has come

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