Super Card System - C.458: How dare you

Super Card System

C.458: How dare you

The reason these words held such weight was because Wyper had witnessed the shocking scene unfold on the fringes of the forbidden land.

In a matter of moments, three of Enels priests met their demise, effectively stripping him of more than half of his power.

Ever since the fateful day, 400 years ago, when the magnificent city of Shandora was propelled into the heavens by the mighty Knock-Up Stream, finding its resting place upon the floating island, the denizens of the Sky Island had seized the opportunity to claim it as their own. Driven by an unquenchable longing for the surface world, they overpowered the weakened Shandians, usurping their ancestral home.

For many years, the Skypieans have been fighting against the Islanders, trying to reclaim their homeland.

The legendary warrior Kalgara left behind a wish, hoping to relight the flame of Shandora to guide his dear friend Montblanc Norland back to the Golden City of Shandora.

This is a touching story that has influenced generation after generation of Skypieans. Despite the passage of time, they have never given up on this wish.

Wyper is a descendant of the great warrior Kalgara. He grew up listening to the elders stories about their ancestors. Among all the Skypieans, he is probably the most determined to reclaim their homeland. However, this determination sometimes leads to radical actions. The guerilla organization he leads, comprised of Skypiean soldiers, not only attacks the people of the Sky Island but also the Blue Sea people who come from below.

Enel arrived on this Sky Island six years ago and immediately overthrew the previous ruler of the Sky Island, Gan Fall, who also held a divine title. Gan Fall, who was once a visionary ruler, had been working towards reconciliation with the Skypieans, aiming to share all the islands resources. Thanks to Gan Falls efforts, the relationship between the two sides started to improve. However, Enels arrival disrupted this trend.

Wyper and his comrades deeply feel the impact of Enels power, surpassing their imagination. Even the four high priests under him have become the greatest obstacles for the Skypieans. During the six years since Enel came here, the Skypieans have suffered more losses than ever before.

Wyper could not bear to accept this grim reality. His unwavering resolve compelled him to tirelessly seek means to counter Enels dominance.

And now, just as he has made some progress, a formidable Blue Sea person suddenly appears on the Sky Island. Three of the four high priests have already been defeated, leaving only the Sky Boss, Gedatsu, standing. This immediately makes Wyper realize that the opportunity for the Skypieans has come.

He sits in the Chiefs tent and describes the events in detail, expressing his thoughts. This time, he wanted to mobilize all the Shandia warriors and see if they can overthrow Enel with the help of that Blue Sea persons power.

The Chief have never seen Ian, so he had no confidence in Wypers words. However, he knew that this was Wypers wish, so he didnt say much and silently agreed.

Afterward, under Wypers leadership, the Skypiean warriors in the Hidden Cloud Village pick up their weapons and set off with him.

At the same time, Luffy and his crew unexpectedly embarked on the path to the forbidden land. Despite hearing about the powerful unknown enemy from Nami, Luffys adventurous spirit cannot be stopped. When he heard the name of the god Enel from Conis, in order to prevent the residents of Angel Island from being targeted by him, Luffy and his crew set off under the pretense of searching for Ian.

Suddenly, a large number of outsiders flooded into the forbidden territory of the sky island

Unaware of the events unfolding behind him, Ian had led the pirate deeper into the forbidden territory before instructing him to sketch what he knew about the area. Without paper and pen, the pirate resorted to drawing on the ground with a stick.

Ians estimation was correct; this pirate was indeed a cunning individual. Four years ago, he had mistakenly entered the sky island and was captured. According to him, they were held captive and forced to construct a massive ship for Enel during that time. However, this pirate had been observing and gathering information about the island, eventually devising an escape route.

In truth, many slaves attempted to flee every year, but hardly anyone managed to escape the forbidden territory. The Four Priests of Enel intentionally released those who desired to escape while they were being monitored, only to hunt them down on the island, referring to it as a hunt and treating it as a mere game. For the escapees, however, it was a nightmare.

This pirate was fortunate. Thanks to his careful planning, he managed to evade the pursuit of the priests and reach the edge of the forbidden territory. Yet, had Ian not appeared, he would have either died at the hands of the Four Priests or eventually fallen victim to Enels intervention, obliterated by his divine wrath.

After experiencing such dramatic ups and downs, the pirate realized that his life had been saved by Ian. Therefore, he obediently followed Ians instructions. Even if Ian brought him back into the forbidden territory, he had no complaints. He understood that the divine Enel would never allow him to leave the forbidden territory, but staying by Ians side would be much safer.

Sir! Its finished! The pirate respectfully informed Ian, This is the general layout of the forbidden territory based on what I know.

Ian crouched down and listened to his explanation. It was then that he discovered the forbidden territory was actually divided into several layers.

In the middle of the distant islands, there was a massive vine that stretched all the way up to the divine palace at the top. Between the vine and the central part of the islands, there were numerous layers of clouds. Without familiarity with the path, it was easy to get lost among these clouds.

However, Ian intended to reach the top of the vine. As long as he found the location of the vine, going straight up would be much easier.

As Ian listened to the pirates explanation, he suddenly felt a surge of intuition and swiftly turned his head to look diagonally upward.

A sudden figure appeared on top of a large tree. It was a man with a white skullcap on his head, lying diagonally on a tree branch with his upper body exposed. One could see a circle of thunder drums on his back, and he held a golden staff in his hand.

Enel!? Ian couldnt help but blurt out when he saw him.

This man was none other than the ruler of Skypiea, Enel. Upon hearing Ian call out his name, he wore a calm expression and arrogantly said, Its God Enel! Blue Sea dweller, you should show reverence to the gods!

Hearing this, Ian couldnt help but laugh. He pointed to the ground beneath his feet and said, Do you know? In the Blue Sea down there, there is also a group of people who call themselves gods! Not only do they claim to be gods, but they also consider themselves creators. But in my eyes, theyre just a bunch of fools!

Enels gaze immediately turned cold as he said, What do you mean by that? Are you trying to insult the god?

Dont be ridiculous! Ian shrugged and spread his hands. Arent you just a Devil Fruit user with the power of nature? In the end, you can only be considered a powerful individual. Ive seen plenty of Logia Devil Fruit users, but they wouldnt dare to claim themselves like you do!

Silence, Blue Sea dweller! Enel became somewhat annoyed. Although he knew he was a Devil Fruit user, his long-standing identity as a god made it difficult for him to accept the reality being exposed by Ian.

At this moment, Enel gave the impression of someone suffering from severe Chniby syndrome, believing himself to be right and the entire world to be wrong, unable to tolerate any defiance.

Those who disrespect the gods must be punished! Enel sat up from the tree branch, and in the next moment, a part of his right arm dissipated into thin air, leaving behind a pulsating orb of crackling lightning.

Divine punishment! Enel swung his remaining right arm fiercely downward, and the ball of lightning in the sky turned into a massive bolt, striking directly at Ian!

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Super Card System! the best novel in the universe If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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