Super Card System - C.516: Switching Sides

Super Card System

C.516: Switching Sides

Ian shrugged, saying, Its not surprising. As you know, my status as a Shichibukai was obtained under peculiar circumstances. Initially, Sengoku was vehemently against my appointment as a Shichibukai. However, due to the pressure from the Celestial Dragons, he had no choice but to agree. And now, with the absence of that pressure, how could he possibly allow someone like me, deeply associated with the Whitebeard Pirates, to continue holding the position of a Shichibukai? As for the summon order, I never received it in the first place!

Boa Hancock understood; it seemed the Marines had directly bypassed Ian.

So you came here for this summon order? Boa Hancock asked.

Ian nodded, Yes, Ive seen the warship of Vice Admiral Momonga stationed outside Amazon Lily. You surely declined his summons, right?

Yes! Boa Hancock replied, Amazon Lily is secluded, difficult for anyone to reach on the Wind Belt. Thats why I dont want my country to get involved in this event.

Dont think that way! Ian shook his head. If you really refuse the summons, Amazon Lily might face trouble later. The Marines might not care now, but theyll come after you eventually.

So, your point is for me to accept this summons?

Yes! Ian smiled, Ever heard the phrase get paid for doing nothing? Im hoping youll help me out by accepting this summons.

Unexpectedly, after Ian said this, Boa Hancock blushed suddenly, eagerly saying, If if it helps you, Im willing to do it!

Ian was taken aback; the allure that Boa Hancock revealed in that instant was simply irresistible!

Despite being an unparalleled beauty, her circumstances seemed to keep her emotionally nave, akin to a pure-hearted young girl. This stark contrast was undeniably captivating.

Ian mentally reiterated, Focus on the task at hand, focus on the task at hand! Finally, he calmed his thoughts, gestured for Boa Hancock to come closer, and quietly began instructing her.

As night fell, Momonga, stationed outside of Amazon Lily, was struggling to chew the fishy meat of sea kings to satiate his hunger. With all the Marines on the entire ship turned into stone, even having a meal was becoming an issue for Momonga.

He intended to wait here for two days, to see if Boa Hancock would relent in the end.

However, what he hadnt anticipated was that just at that moment, Momongas Den Den Mushi suddenly started ringing.

Momentarily puzzled, Momonga quickly reacted and answered the call.

As expected, on the other end was Boa Hancocks voice.

Boa Hancock had finally changed her mind. However, she stipulated that she would accept the summons on one condition: she wanted to visit Impel Down to check on the former Warlord, Jinbe!

Her reasoning was that she and Jinbe had fought together in Dressrosa, and considering each other friends, and both being former Warlords, she felt it was appropriate to visit him.

At first, Momonga was inclined to deny the request. After all, when the Marines arrested Jinbe, it was done covertly. Jinbe, although uncooperative, held a special status as a Fish-Man. As a Shichibukai, Jinbe symbolized the entire Fish-Man race. To prevent unnecessary trouble, the Marines had implemented a secretive arrest plan.

Technically, Boa Hancock shouldnt have known about this incident. Yet, before Momonga could speak, he suddenly had a change of mind. Being a fellow Shichibukai, Boa Hancock might have access to different intelligence channels. Denying her request might not be in their best interest. Perhaps allowing Boa Hancock to meet Jinbe would make her understand the repercussions of refusing the World Governments compulsory summons.

However, Momonga couldnt make the decision independently. So, he immediately contacted the Marine Headquarters to relay Boa Hancocks conditions.

Upon hearing that Boa Hancock was willing to comply with the summons, the Marine Headquarters secretly breathed a sigh of relief and promptly granted approval for the visit.

After receiving authorization, Momonga immediately got in touch with Boa Hancock, informed her of the situation, and conveyed that once she boarded the ship the next day, the vessel would set course for Impel Down.

During Momongas conversation with Boa Hancock, he didnt notice that at that moment, in the pitch-black night sky above his warship, someone was observing him.

That someone was Ian, who had his Flaming wings spread as he hovered in mid-air, holding someone within his arms.


Watching Momonga finish his Den Den Mushi call and hanging up, Ian softly asked Matthew, Are you ready?

Matthew, feeling a bit nervous, spoke slowly, Im ready

Dont worry, reassured Ian. Remember, I have healing abilities. Even if you accidentally get hurt, I can quickly mend it. The pain will pass swiftly. But most importantly, you have to be precise. Take down Momonga for me!

O-Okay, Matthew nervously gulped and nodded.

Seeing Matthew ready, Ian descended slightly and then lifted Matthew up in his hands. He aimed toward Momongas location and swiftly flung Matthew down.

Go, Matthew go!

Though mentally prepared, when Ian tossed him out, Matthew couldnt help but panic. He flailed his arms and legs in a frenzy. However, to his relief, his erratic movements didnt affect his flight trajectory, and despite his fear, he kept silent, abiding by Ians earlier instructions.

Seated on the ship, Momonga suddenly felt something amiss and raised his head. But it was too late. Matthew was rapidly descending, catching Momonga off guard. Upon looking up, all Momonga saw was the frantic descent of Matthew.

What in the!? Momonga was taken aback but couldnt dodge it. Matthew fell into his arms. Reacting instinctively, Momonga caught Matthew.

However, in that moment of catching him, Matthews hands touched him numerous times.

Darn it! In an instant, an overwhelming drowsiness surged and overpowered Momonga, leaving him unable to resist. Before he could understand what was happening, he managed to curse once and then promptly fell asleep.

Witnessing Matthews sleep attack again! His Devil Fruit ability was indeed remarkably useful when utilized effectively.

Observing Momonga succumb to unconsciousness, Ian swiftly descended and arrived on the deck of the warship. He reached out and lifted the groaning Matthew.

Thanks to Boa Hancocks daytime powers, besides Momonga, everyone else on the entire warship had been petrified. Managing to handle Momonga meant having control of the entire ship!

Quickly! Ian instructed, Send a signal to them!

While giving commands, Ian started stripping Momonga of all his clothes, leaving him only in a large loincloth.

Meanwhile, Matthew stood at the ships railing, waving a signal light into the night, initiating a distress signal.

Shortly, a small boat appeared, rowing towards the warship. The individuals aboard the small boat were Franky from the Straw Hat Pirates and another person, Bentham.

Once Bentham boarded the ship, Ian gestured with a nod towards the unconscious Momonga, signaling Bentham to take action.

Watch this! Bentham extended his right hand, pressing it against Vice Admiral Momongas face.

After a brief touch, he released Momonga and then swiped his own face with his left hand.

The next moment, something peculiar occurred. Benthams entire face immediately transformed into an exact replica of Vice Admiral Momongas, identical in every detail!

Mission accomplished! Ian couldnt help but let out a satisfied chuckle.

What about this Vice Admiral of the Marines? Bentham inquired, pointing at the unconscious Momonga. Should we get rid of him?

No, this Vice Admiral Momonga is actually not a bad person, Ian shook his head, Lets spare him for now. However, we cant risk him foiling our plans once he wakes up. Lets find a small island in the Calm Belt and leave him there. With his Vice Admiral strength, he should manage to survive!

Okay, Franky shrugged, eyeing the stripped Momonga, I always thought I was the weird one, but turns out youre even more intense!

Get lost! Ian rolled his eyes, not amused, That was just to ensure we rid him of anything that could contact the outside world! Stop wasting time and lets move!

Subsequently, Franky tossed Momonga onto the small boat, and Matthew followed suit, joining the vessel, ready to take care of Momonga once his sleeping period was nearing an end.

After their departure, Ian turned to face Bentham, who was now dressed in Momongas Marine Vice Admiral uniform. He patted him on the shoulder and said, Excellent! So, tomorrow, this Momonga will be the one to take us to Impel Down!

Upon hearing Ians words, Bentham, disguised as Momonga, couldnt contain his excitement and began performing ballet steps on the spot. However, in Momongas appearance, it appeared rather awkward.

Agreed, Ill help you get to Impel Down, but you have to let me meet Lord Ivankov! Bentham said.

Sure, youll meet him! Ian chuckled in response.

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